[liberationtech] Hacking Team and the Targeting of Ethiopian Journalists

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Feb 12 09:10:59 PST 2014

Corrected link:

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Ronald Deibert <r.deibert at utoronto.ca>wrote:

> Hello LibTech
> On behalf of the Citizen Lab, I am pleased to announce a new publication,
> details for which are below.  This report is the first in a series that
> focus
> on the global proliferation and use of Hacking Team's RCS spyware, sold
> exclusively to governments.  More posts will follow in the next week.
> The report is authored by Bill Marczak, Claudio Guarnieri, Morgan
> Marquis-Boire, and John Scott-Railton. I'd like to draw attention to the
> innovative
> mixed scanning methods developed in this post, around which a new field of
> research is emerging which I believe is going to be critical to the
> type of distributed civil controls on the global spyware market.
> Regards
> Ron
> https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/
> Hacking Team and the Targeting of Ethiopian Journalists
> *February 12, 2014*
> Tagged: Ethiopia <https://citizenlab.org/tag/ethiopia/>, Hacking Team<https://citizenlab.org/tag/hacking-team/>
> Categories: News and Announcements<https://citizenlab.org/category/lab-news/>
> , Reports and Briefings<https://citizenlab.org/category/research-news/reports-briefings/>
> , Research News <https://citizenlab.org/category/research-news/>
> *Authors:* Bill Marczak, Claudio Guarnieri, Morgan Marquis-Boire, and
> John Scott-Railton.
> *This post is the first in a series of posts that focus on the global
> proliferation and use of Hacking Team's RCS spyware, sold exclusively to
> governments.*
> Summary
>    - Ethiopian Satellite Television Service1<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#1> (ESAT)
>    is an independent satellite television, radio, and online news media outlet
>    run by members of the Ethiopian diaspora.  The service has operations in
>    Alexandria, Virginia, as well as several other countries.2<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#2>  ESAT's
>    broadcasts are frequently critical of the Ethiopian Government.  Available
>    in Ethiopia and around the world, ESAT has been subjected to jamming from
>    within Ethiopia several times in the past few years.3<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#3>  A
>    recent documentary shown on Ethiopian state media warned opposition parties
>    against participating in ESAT programming.4<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#4>
>    - In the space of two hours on 20 December 2013, an attacker made
>    three separate attempts to target two ESAT employees with sophisticated
>    computer spyware, designed to steal files and passwords, and intercept
>    Skype calls and instant messages.  The spyware communicated with an IP
>    address belonging to Ariave Satcom, a satellite provider that services
>    Africa, Europe, and Asia.5<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#5>  In
>    each case, the spyware appeared to be Remote Control System (RCS), sold
>    exclusively to governments by Milan-based Hacking Team.6<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#6>
>    - Hacking Team states that they do not sell RCS to "repressive
>    regimes",7<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#7> and
>    that RCS is not sold through "independent agents".8<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#8>  Hacking
>    Team also says that all sales are reviewed by a board that includes outside
>    engineers and lawyers.  The board has veto power over any sale.9<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#9>  Before
>    authorizing a sale, the company states that it considers "credible
>    government or non-government reports reflecting that a potential customer
>    could use surveillance technologies to facilitate human rights abuses," as
>    well as "due process requirements" for surveillance.10<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#10>
>    - The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reports that Ethiopia
>    jails more journalists than any other African country besides Eritrea, and
>    says that the Ethiopian government has shut down more than 75 media outlets
>    since 1993.11<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#11>  CPJ
>    statistics also show that 79 journalists have been forced to flee Ethiopia
>    due to threats and intimidation over the past decade, more than any other
>    country in the world.12<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#12>  A
>    2013 Human Rights Watch (HRW) report detailed ongoing torture at Ethiopia's
>    Maekelawi detention center, the first stop for arrested journalists and
>    protests organizers.  Former detainees described how they were: "repeatedly
>    slapped, kicked, punched, and beaten," and hung from the ceiling by their
>    wrists.  Information extracted in confession has been used to obtain
>    conviction at trial, and to compel former detainees to work with the
>    government.13<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#13>  HRW
>    also indicated abuses committed by the army, including the use of torture
>    and rape to compel information from villagers near the site of an attack on
>    a farm.14<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#14>  HRW
>    noted "insufficient respect for ... due process" in Ethiopia.15<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#15>
> BackgroundHacking Team and Remote Control System (RCS)
> Hacking Team, also known as HT S.r.l., is a Milan-based purveyor of
> "offensive technology" to governments around the world.  One of their
> products, known as Remote Control System (RCS), is a trojan that is sold
> exclusively to intelligence and law enforcement agencies worldwide.
>  Hacking Team's website describes the product as "the solution" to monitor
> targets that are increasingly using encryption, or those located outside
> the borders of the government that wants to monitor them.16<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#16>
> *[image: image00]
> <https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image00.png>**Description
> of RCS in a 2011 official brochure.17
> <https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#17>*
> RCS infects a target's computer or mobile phone to intercept data before
> it is encrypted for transmission, and can also intercept data that is never
> transmitted.  For example, it can copy files from a computer's hard disk,
> and can also record Skype calls, e-mails, instant messages, and passwords
> typed into a web browser.18<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#18>  Furthermore,
> RCS can turn on a device's webcam and microphone to spy on the user.19<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#19>
> While Hacking Team claims to potential clients that RCS can be used for
> mass surveillance of "hundreds of thousands of targets",20<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#20>public
> statements by Hacking Team emphasize RCS's potential use as a targeted tool
> for fighting crime and terrorism.21<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#21>
> Hacking Team was first thrust into the public spotlight in 2012 when RCS
> was used against award-winning Moroccan media outlet Mamfakinch,22<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#22> and
> UAE human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor, who was pardoned23<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#23> after
> serving seven months in prison for signing an online pro-democracy petition.
> 24<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#24>  Mansoor
> was infected, his GMail password was stolen, and his e-mails were
> downloaded.25<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#25>  At
> the same time, RCS is apparently being used by foreign governments to
> target individuals on US soil.26<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#26>
> ,27<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#27>
> Evidence of the use of RCS against journalists and activists led Reporters
> Without Borders to name Hacking Team as one of the five "Corporate Enemies
> of the Internet".28<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#28> Hacking
> Team Senior Counsel Eric Rabe responded with a defense of his company's
> sales practices, in which he stated that Hacking Team does not provide its
> products to "repressive" regimes.29<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#29>
> *On the issue of repressive regimes, Hacking Team goes to great lengths to
> assure that our software is not sold to governments that are blacklisted by
> the E.U., the U.S.A., NATO and similar international organizations or any
> "repressive" regime.*
> "Repressive" is a subjective term that may be difficult to define.  We
> instead look to a selection of publications that rank countries based on
> freedom and democracy using a methodology.  For example, The Economist
> publishes a Democracy Index,30<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#30> which
> rates governments around the world on a spectrum from "full democracies" to
> "authoritarian regimes."  Reporters Without Borders also publishes a yearly
> Press Freedom Index, which ranks countries' press freedom situations from
> "good" to "very serious".31<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#31>
> Ethiopia and Ethiopian Satellite Television Service (ESAT)
> *The Economist* ranks Ethiopia as an "authoritarian regime," and
> Reporters Without Borders classifies it as a country where there is a
> "difficult situation" for journalists.  Human Rights Watch calls Ethiopia's
> press law "deeply flawed," and notes that several award-winning journalists
> have been convicted under the law for exercising their right to freedom of
> expression, as part of a government crackdown on independent media.32<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#32>
> Journalists jailed under the law include Eskinder Nega, who was convicted
> of terrorism in 2012 in a case following the publication of his column that
> criticized the government's detention of journalists.33<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#33>  Nega
> won the 2012 PEN America Freedom to Write Award, and was hailed by the
> group as of the "bravest and most admirable of writers, one who picked up
> his pen to write things that he knew would surely put him at grave risk".
> 34<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#34>  Nega
> is currently serving an 18 year sentence in prison, having "[fallen] victim
> to exactly the measures he was highlighting".35<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#35>  In
> a May 2013 letter from prison, he wrote, "I will live to see the light at
> the end of the tunnel. It may or may not be a long wait. Whichever way
> events may go, I shall persevere!"36<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#36>
> ESAT describes itself as "powered by broad-based collective of exiled
> journalists, human rights advocates, civic society leaders and members in
> the Diaspora."  Available in Ethiopia around the world, ESAT's television
> and radio signals have been subjected to jamming from within Ethiopia
> several times in the past few years.37<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#37>
> Previous research by the Citizen Lab found a version of the FinFisher
> government spyware that used a picture of members of Ethiopian opposition
> group Ginbot 7 as bait, indicating politically-motivated targeting.  That
> spyware communicated with a command and control server in Ethiopia.38<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#38>
> First Targeting Attempt
> First, the ESATSTUDIO Skype account was targeted with spyware.  This
> account is used by ESAT for on-air interviews.  The individual operating
> the ESATSTUDIO account at the time was an ESAT employee in Belgium,
> responsible for managing ESAT's satellite broadcasts.  An individual
> identified as "Yalfalkenu Meches" (Skype: yalfalkenu1) sent a file to
> ESATSTUDIO entitled "An Article for ESAT.rar."  We use Skype logs provided
> by the targets to illustrate the attacks.
> [image: image10]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image10.png>This
> .rar file contained an .exe file disguised as a .pdf.  The file used the
> Adobe PDF icon, and contained a large number of spaces between the name and
> extension, to prevent Windows from displaying the extension.
>    [image: fileproperties]
>  <https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/fileproperties.png>*Left:
> How the file was rendered in Windows; Right: Windows file properties dialog*
> Despite the file's name, "An Article for ESAT," the file did not display
> any such article, or any other content, when opened.
> Analysis and Link to Hacking Team RCSSummary
> The file sent to ESAT appeared to be Hacking Team's RCS spyware for the
> following two reasons:
>    - The file communicated with a server that returned two SSL
>    certificates.  The second certificate was issued by "RCS Certification
>    Authority" / "HT srl", and was similar to SSL certificates returned by two
>    other servers apparently owned by Hacking Team.  The first certificate
>    was similar to certificates returned by two other servers that appeared to
>    be demonstration servers for Hacking Team's RCS spyware.
>    - The file matched a signature that we had previously developed for
>    RCS spyware.
> Detailed Analysis
> The hash of the file was:
> sha256:   4a53db7b98aa000aeaa72d6a44004ef9ed3b6c09dd04a3e6015b62d741de3437
> sha1:     b7438e699dd54f8b56fc779c1b8b08b1943d9892
> md5:      53a9e1b59ff37cc2aeff0391cc546201
> Shortly after opening the .exe file, it attempted to communicate with the
> server on port 80.
> inetnum: -
> netname:        HETZNER-RZ14
> descr:          Hetzner Online AG
> descr:          Datacenter 14
> country:        DE
> We probed the server and noticed that it returned two self-signed SSL
> certificates:39<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#39>
> *Issuer**Subject**Fingerprint* /CN=default/CN=server
> a7c0eacd845a7a433eca76f7d42fc3fedf1bde3c/CN=RCS Certification Authority
> /O=HT srl/CN=RCS Certification Authority /O=HT srl
> 6500c243015a6ecc59f1272fec38eb0065d22063
> The second certificate is issued by "RCS Certification Authority" / "HT
> srl".[image: image03]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image03.png>Hacking
> Team refers to their spyware as "RCS," and identifies itself as "HT S.r.l."
> on its website:[image: image02]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image02.png>
> To confirm our hypothesis that these certificates were associated with
> Hacking Team, we searched historical SSL certificate data released by the
> Internet Census40<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#40> (443-TCP_SSLSessionReq)
> and by the University of Michigan's zmap project.41<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#41>  We
> found two servers returning the "RCS Certification Authority" / "HT srl"
> certificate that were in the following range:
> inetnum: -
> netname:        FASTWEB-HT
> descr:          HT public subnet
> country:        IT
> person:         GIANCARLO RUSSO
> address:        VIA DELLA MOSCOVA 13
> address:        MILANO MI
> address:        IT
> phone:          +39 0229060603
> The address and phone number on the range matches those on Hacking Team's
> website.  A Giancarlo Russo is listed as the COO of Hacking Team on
> LinkedIn.42<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#42>  Thus,
> we believe that Hacking Team controls this range of IP addresses.
> The two servers in this range that returned similar certificates to the
> server in the ESAT spyware were:
> on 6/28/2012:
> *Issuer**Subject**Fingerprint*/CN=RCS Certification Authority /O=HT srl
> /CN=rcs-castoredeee895bf1f68e97cb997d929e0f991ecec6ab29 /CN=RCS
> Certification Authority /O=HT srl/CN=RCS Certification Authority /O=HT srl
> 1e8e8806aa605544cda2bbb906b5d0cc7fb6fff7
> on 8/12/2012:
> *Issuer**Subject**Fingerprint*/CN=RCS Certification Authority /O=HT srl
> /CN=rcs-polluce277fdf33df7baca54ce8336982db865d9f38f514/CN=RCS
> Certification Authority /O=HT srl/CN=RCS Certification Authority /O=HT srl
> e8d5f17d142768abe2ed835d5a61d99602ab082b
> Because these IP addresses were registered to Hacking Team, we believe
> that the presence of a certificate apparently issued by "RCS Certification
> Authority" / "HT srl" is indicative of a server for Hacking Team's RCS
> spyware. The Internet Census (443-TCP_SSLSessionReq) also recorded two
> instances of a server returning a certificate that matched the "default" /
> "server" certificate returned by the server in the ESAT spyware, along with
> an incomplete certificate for "rcs-demo.hackingteam.it".  This server was
> used by an RCS spyware sample found in VirusTotal.43<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#43>  This
> certificate was returned by on 12/14/2012, and by
> on 12/14/2012.  This is a further indication that the
> server in the spyware targeting ESAT is a Hacking Team RCS server.
> The file itself also matched a signature we had previously developed for
> RCS spyware.
> Second Attempt
> The target did not open the first file ("An Article for ESAT.exe"), and
> complained to Yalfalkenu that the file was an .exe application.  Yalfalkenu
> responded that he had received the file from a friend.
> [image: image07]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image07.png>
> Yalfalkenu also said that he opened the .exe file and it "worked fine."
>  However, despite the file's name, "An Article for ESAT," the file did not
> display any such article, or any other content, when opened.
> [image: image04]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image04.png>
> Yalfalkenu followed up by sending ESATSTUDIO a Word document.
> [image: image05]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image05.png>
> Analysis and Link to Hacking Team RCS
> The Word document was:
> sha256:   5bde4288c11f0701b54398ffeeddb4d6882d91b3e34bf76b1e250b8fc46be11d
> sha1:     057675f8dfda0f44a695ec18a5211ff4e68a1873
> md5:      8df850088e2324d5c89615be32bd8a35
> As with the previous file, opening this file did not result in any bait
> content being displayed.  A user who opened the file saw a blank Word
> document, which quickly closed itself.
> The document exploited a bug in Microsoft Windows (CVE-2012-015844<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#44>)
> to run a program that downloaded and executed a file:
>  An update to Windows available since April
> 2012 fixes this bug.45<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#45>  The
> IP address belongs to Ariave Satcom, a satellite provider
> that services Africa, Europe, and Asia.46<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#46>
> Private Customer VSC-ARIAVE (NET-216-118-232-0-1) -
> VSC Satellite Co. VSC-IPOWN1 (NET-216-118-224-0-1) -
> We downloaded svchst.exe:
> sha256:   bc68c8d86f2522fb4c58c6f482c5cacb284e5ef803d41a63142677855934d969
> sha1:     b341cc1c299c07624814f35a35a4d505e65d3b67
> md5:      015c238d56b8657c0946ec45b131362a
> Like the first file, the file communicated with  This file
> also matched our signature for RCS spyware.  For the same reasons as the
> first file, this file appears to be Hacking Team RCS spyware.
> Third Attempt
> An hour and a half later on the same day,47<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#47> Yalfalkenu
> targeted another ESAT employee, this time based in their Northern Virginia
> offices.
> [image: image09]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image09.png>
> The document was:
> sha256:   8f9a6ae6aa56e12596d02c864998b4373a96d3f788195db3601b6e3ec54a99fb
> sha1:     c384ca066fe0145455f14976c0ecf8a817a30f86
> md5:      daa5912d4ca0e4a143378947ef329374
> Like the second file, the document also exploited the CVE-2012-0158 bug,
> but had two main differences.  First, the document actually displayed bait
> content -- a copy of this article<http://ecadforum.com/Amharic/archives/10451/>
> .48<https://citizenlab.org/2014/02/hackingteam-targeting-ethiopian-journalists/?preview=true#48>  Second,
> instead of downloading a file from a server, the document contained an
> embedded file, which it copied as CyHidWin.exe.  We extracted the file and
> analyzed it:
> sha256:   d30bc31d6ad75de20aa3a45d338298030dc9136ba94aee93b4843e279fa3d59c
> sha1:     4f8b2f1071870b9d03f3bb341cf9523b0574d8f6
> md5:      c5cfa1afd5d3148a0d33fc1940ea1a37
> As in the previous two files, the file communicated with  This
> file also matched our signature for RCS spyware.  For the same reasons as
> the first two files, this file appears to be Hacking Team RCS spyware.
> Epilogue
> After the first two targeting attempts, we alerted ESAT that Yalfalkenu
> Meches was trying to target them with spyware.  On the third attempt, the
> targeted user confronted Yalfalkenu, who again professed that he had
> received the file from a friend.
> [image: image06]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image06.png>
> Yalfalkenu also expressed puzzlement about how opening a Word document
> could infect a computer, and said that he was a victim.
> [image: image08]<https://citizenlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image08.png>
> We talked to employees of ESAT, who said that Yalfalkenu used to
> collaborate with them, but then he "disappeared for a while."  It is
> possible that someone else is now using Yalfalkenu's account.
> Links to Other Spyware
> Our scans indicated that the following other servers were likely being run
> by the same attacker that targeted ESAT, and were also likely Hacking Team
> RCS servers:
> *IP**First Seen**Last Seen**Provider* *Country*
> 8/10/2012Delamere ServicesUK109.200.22.1617/25/20128/12/2012Delamere
> Services UK109.200.22.16210/14/20121/13/2014Delamere ServicesUK
> ServicesUK
> 10/30/20131/13/2014Infinite Dimension SolutionsUK176.74.178.1197/25/2012
> 8/12/2012Infinite Dimension Solutions UK176.74.178.1207/25/20128/12/2012Infinite
> Dimension SolutionsUK176.74.178.20210/13/20121/13/2014Infinite Dimension
> Solutions UK176.74.178.20310/18/20121/13/2014Infinite Dimension Solutions
> UK46.166.162.1475/16/20138/11/2013SantrexSC
> ServerprontoUS216.118.232.24511/18/2013ActiveAriave Satcom??
> We note that the "RCS Certification Authority" / "HT srl" SSL certificates
> returned by these servers were issued on 5/8/2012.  Based on this date, we
> estimate that the attacker who targeted ESAT has been using Hacking Team's
> RCS spyware since May 2012, or earlier.
> We found the following sample in VirusTotal that matched our signature for
> Hacking Team RCS spyware.  The sample used as a command and
> control server.  Thus, we believe the attackers were the same, though we
> have no indication as to who they may have targeted:
> sha256:   9577aabf5e31af1409e2abe8c29ac918d7f8784dec75b4088a60fce6a45e9fc7
> sha1:     0e326c39c91efeff1d045bec3c7e7c38405d0430
> md5:      c17e788e28d47891f94c64739ee7fffb
> Conclusion
> In this report, we identified three instances where Ethiopian journalist
> group ESAT was targeted with spyware in the space of two hours by a single
> attacker.  In each case the spyware appeared to be RCS (Remote Control
> System), programmed and sold exclusively to governments by Milan-based
> Hacking Team.  While Hacking Team and other "lawful intercept" spyware
> vendors purport to practice effective self-regulation, this case seems to
> be part of a broader pattern of government abuse of such spyware.  "Lawful
> intercept" spyware has also apparently been abused to target Bahraini
> activists, Moroccan journalists, critics of the Turkish Government, and
> Emirati human rights activists.
> Acknowledgements
> Thanks to Eva Galperin, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and ESAT.
> Footnotes
> 1 http://ethsat.com/
> 2 http://ethsat.com/about-us/
> 3
> http://ethsat.com/2011/10/08/esat-accuses-china-of-complicity-in-jamming-signals/
> 4
> http://ethsat.com/2014/01/09/udj-says-expressing-opinion-to-media-is-not-terror/
> 5 https://web.archive.org/web/20130723051052/http://ariave.com/tech.htm
> 6 http://hackingteam.it/index.php/customer-policy
> 7
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57573707-38/meet-the-corporate-enemies-of-the-internet-for-2013/
> 8
> http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2013/12/11/nota/1901271/firma-hacking-team-fue-contactada-estado-ecuatoriano
> 9
> http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/hacking-team-murky-world-state-sponsored-spying-445507
> 10 http://hackingteam.it/index.php/customer-policy
> 11
> http://www.cpj.org/2013/11/ethiopia-arrests-2-journalists-from-independent-pa.php
> 12 http://www.hrw.org/world-report/2013/country-chapters/ethiopia
> 13 http://www.hrw.org/node/119814/section/2
> 14 http://www.hrw.org/world-report/2013/country-chapters/ethiopia?page=3
> 15 ibid.
> 16 http://hackingteam.it/index.php/remote-control-system
> 17
> http://wikileaks.org/spyfiles/docs/hackingteam/147_remote-control-system.html
> 18 https://www.securelist.com/en/analysis/204792290/Spyware_HackingTeam
> 19
> http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/13/4723610/meet-hacking-team-the-company-that-helps-police-hack-into-computers
> 20 ibid.
> 21 http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=15868
> 22 http://slate.me/1eSTeUF
> 23
> http://en.rsf.org/united-arab-emirates-ahmed-mansoor-and-four-other-pro-28-11-2011,41477.html
> 24 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-13043270
> 25
> https://citizenlab.org/2012/10/backdoors-are-forever-hacking-team-and-the-targeting-of-dissent/
> 26 http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/06/spy-tool-sold-to-governments/
> 27 https://twitter.com/csoghoian/status/298899565388644352
> 28 http://surveillance.rsf.org/en/category/corporate-enemies/
> 29
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57573707-38/meet-the-corporate-enemies-of-the-internet-for-2013/
> 30
> https://www.eiu.com/public/topical_report.aspx?campaignid=DemocracyIndex12
> 31 https://en.rsf.org/IMG/jpg/2013_wpfi_world_press_freedom_map.jpg
> 32
> http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/05/03/ethiopia-terrorism-law-decimates-media
> 33 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17921950
> 34
> http://www.pen.org/press-release/2012/04/12/top-pen-prize-honor-eskinder-nega-jailed-ethiopian-journalist-and-blogger
> 35 ibid.
> 36 https://www.amnesty.org/en/appeals-for-action/LWM2013-Ethiopia
> 37
> http://ethsat.com/2011/10/08/esat-accuses-china-of-complicity-in-jamming-signals/
> 38
> https://citizenlab.org/2013/03/you-only-click-twice-finfishers-global-proliferation-2/
> 39 This can be verified by consulting the Sonar SSL scans (
> https://scans.io/study/sonar.ssl) between 10/30/2013 and 1/13/2014.
> 40 http://internetcensus2012.bitbucket.org/paper.html
> 41 https://scans.io/study/umich-https
> 42 http://it.linkedin.com/pub/giancarlo-russo/2/2a9/589
> 43
> https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/81e9647a3371568cddd0a4db597de8423179773d910d9a7b3d945cb2c3b7e1c2/analysis/
> 44 http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-0158
> 45 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms12-027
> 46 https://web.archive.org/web/20130723051052/http://ariave.com/tech.htm
> 47 On 20 December 2013, Belgium's time zone was 6 hours ahead of Northern
> Virginia's.
> 48 The article quotes the former head of Ethiopia's Amhara region (Ayalew
> Gobeze) as denying that he was demoted or fired for failing to sign a
> border demarcation agreement between Sudan and Ethiopia. Ayalew is quoted
> as saying that members of the Ethiopian diaspora concocted the story, and
> refers to them as "taxi drivers" and "jobless".
>  Ronald Deibert
> Director, the Citizen Lab
> and the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies
> Munk School of Global Affairs
> University of Toronto
> (416) 946-8916
> PGP: http://deibert.citizenlab.org/pubkey.txt
> http://deibert.citizenlab.org/
> twitter.com/citizenlab
> r.deibert at utoronto.ca
> --
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