[liberationtech] [cfp] Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 2014

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Wed Feb 12 02:34:47 PST 2014

[Information taken from their website. Conference is to be held  June
8-10 at the Airlie Center in Warrenton, Virginia. -G]


This year's conference will be co-chaired by Nuala O'Connor and Amie
Stepanovich and will feature the theme, "The Internet Wants to be Free."
The Conference will be preceded by an Advocates' Meeting during the day
on Sunday, June 8 (for non-profit participants only, please), and will
officially "kick off" with an opening keynote on Sunday evening.
Participants will also be given an option to add an additional night at
the Airlie Center to enjoy its recreational amenities for a special,
reduced price. Registration for the conference will begin in February
2014, and will include cost of lodging and meals for all who wish to
stay at Airlie (alternate options will be available for those who prefer
to stay off-site). The official Call for Proposals is also now open, and
anyone may submit an idea for a solo presentation, debate, roundtable
discussion, workshop, or panel. We're also encouraging "birds of a
feather" submissions, social events meant to encourage organization and
collaboration. Separately, the conference will feature several social
events in which all registrants will be encouraged to participate.

We look forward to seeing you in June!

A Special Note from the Co-Chairs

/We hope you'll join us for an intense and unique event, featuring
voices from civil society, academia, government, and the private sector.
We believe that the (slightly) remote location will give us all time to
get away, connect with each other, reflect on the events of the past 12
months, and strategize for the coming year./


    Call for Proposals

Computers, Freedom, and Privacy is an annual conference that brings
together academics, activists, technologists, policy advocates,
practitioners, and lawmakers. The CFP co-chairs invite proposals for
this year's conference. We encourage multi-stakeholder participation in
the conference as speakers, proposal submitters, and attendees that
represent the diverse global community of organizations and
professionals who work on policy, technology and law.

CFP will focus on providing solutions to important and emerging
questions in law, privacy, and technology. The best proposals will
explain how the session will address and advance the global conversation
on digital human rights and individual privacy. Proposals must provide a
concrete description of what the session hopes to accomplish. CFP
proposals may cover a variety of topics. However, the conference will
try to address the following questions:

  * What are the challenges to individual rights and liberties posed by
    new technologies?

  * What technologies, policies, practices, and laws can best protect
    human rights in the modern world?

  * What is the proper role for civil society and the proper venue or
    legal strategy to advance this dialogue?

  * What does it mean to have a "free" Internet, from both a commercial
    and government perspective?


      Dates and Details

Proposals are due no later than March 1, 2014. The preferred method for
proposal submission is via the CFP electronic submission system
<http://www.cfp.org/2014/submissions/>. If you are unable to use the
system, you may alternatively email your proposal
to cfp14-submissions at cfp.org <mailto:cfp14-submissions at cfp.org>.
Proposals should include the following:

  * Descriptive title;
  * Organizer's name, including affiliation and contact information;
  * Proposed speakers, including affiliation and contact information.
    Please indicate if the speaker is confirmed or tentative;
  * Format (see below);
  * Short description of session content (2-3 sentences);
  * Detailed description of session content and goals (1-2 paragraphs);
  * Diversity information (see below);
  * Preferred length for your proposed presentation (15, 30, 60, or 90

Additional information may be required for specific formats. Please see
the detailed descriptions of the formats below for further information.

Contact information submitted along with a proposal will only be used to
send information about CFP. Very limited funds may be available to
assist with travel expenses in some cases. Decisions about travel
support will be made by the Planning Committee and based on an
assessment of the Conference agenda, the resources of the participants,
and program needs.

The Planning Committee may accept parts of submissions without accepting
the entire submission. Where proposals are combined, individual
contributions will be acknowledged in the program and on the website.

If you have any questions about the proposal process, please send them
to cfp14 at cfp.org <mailto:cfp14 at cfp.org>.

Diversity is important to the organizers of CFP. The CFP program will
provide balance in terms of ethnicity, gender, age, and viewpoint. All
proposals should indicate how these factors have been addressed.

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