[liberationtech] Gnip & Twitter Bring Social Data to Academic Researchers

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Feb 9 14:00:04 PST 2014

From: Stuart Shulman <stuart.shulman at gmail.com>

Gnip and Twitter Bringing Social Data to Academic Researchers


>From the Gnip blog:

"What if the next generation of data scientists could have access to social
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data for their research? And what if we could help increase the quantity
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and quality of published research using social data? Exploring what might
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be possible has led to an exciting new collaboration between Twitter and
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Gnip. Today, we're announcing the pilot of the Twitter Data Grants program,
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a new initiative designed to support research and fuel innovation in our
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On a related note:

I have taken on the task of setting up 1-2 academic panels for the next Big
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Boulder conference. If you are an academic
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doing work with Twitter data and
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you are interested in
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potentially appearing on a Big Boulder panel, please
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send me a brief synopsis of your project and a link to any web-based
materials about it.

For more about past Big Boulder conferences, please visit:




For information about the Big Boulder Initiative:




Dr. Stuart W. Shulman

Founder and CEO, Texifter

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/pub/stuart-shulman/10/351/899
Twitter: twitter.com/#!/StuartWShulman
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