[liberationtech] Stanford blocking webmail access to those who refuse spyware

taltman1 at stanford.edu taltman1 at stanford.edu
Fri Feb 7 14:00:52 PST 2014

In response I have created the following Facebook Group to help gather
support for showing the administration that their policies have crossed
a line:


Of course I have reservations using Facebook for this (i.e., the
public/private surveillance partnership), so I am open to alternatives.



taltman1 at stanford.edu writes:

> I awoke this morning to find this awaiting me behind Stanford's
> WebAuth to access Zimbra:
> "WebLogin What is this?
> You are being temporarily blocked from accessing Stanford systems
> because one or more of your mobile devices is not compliant with the
> School of Medicine's Data Security Policy. To remove this block,
> please go to med.stanford.edu/securityblock/mobile.html and follow the
> directions."
> This is after following every requirement such that my devices do not
> fall under the new requirements, including several emails to Randy
> Livingston, Michael Duff, and Jack Zeng. And filing a variance request
> (that has since been ignored). So much for their claims that this new
> security policy is not mandatory.
> This is the kind of heavy hand that Stanford is laying down on
> students and faculty who do not want to give up their privacy.
> It seems for now I can still access my email via IMAP, but how long
> before the Great Firewall of Stanford blocks that access, too?
> Seems like we need some liberation not just in this country, but this
> particular campus as well.
> Frustratingly,
> ~T
> -- 
> ----
> Tomer Altman, MS
> PhD Candidate
> Biomedical Informatics
> ---
> BigFix is a backdoor on your personal property that continuously scans
> your private files:
> http://ucomm.stanford.edu/computersecurity/
> http://www.stanford.edu/group/security/securecomputing/idf/
> Stanford University's stand on academic freedom, privacy, surveillance and the
> Fourth Amendment:
> "Users have no expectation of privacy while using this system and uses,
> data, and transmissions on this system may be intercepted, monitored,
> recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed at the discretion
> of Stanford University"
> -- Fine print when you log in to Stanford WebAuth


Tomer Altman, MS
PhD Candidate
Biomedical Informatics


BigFix is a backdoor on your personal property that continuously scans
your private files:


Stanford University's stand on academic freedom, privacy, surveillance and the
Fourth Amendment:

"Users have no expectation of privacy while using this system and uses,
data, and transmissions on this system may be intercepted, monitored,
recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed at the discretion
of Stanford University"
-- Fine print when you log in to Stanford WebAuth

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