[liberationtech] Stanford blocking webmail access to those who refuse spyware

Gregory Maxwell greg at xiph.org
Fri Feb 7 10:12:43 PST 2014

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 9:52 AM,  <taltman1 at stanford.edu> wrote:
> This is the kind of heavy hand that Stanford is laying down on
> students and faculty who do not want to give up their privacy.

This seemed to me like an inevitable outcome when there was little to
no backlash against spyware requirements for exams in most
law-schools. (unless you want the massive disadvantage of turning in
your exam on paper…)

I can't fathom how people it was remotely acceptable to require the
installation of spyware on students systems at institutions training
people for work which handles confidential client information where
running such software ought to be considered an violation of
professional conduct.

But there you go— the world is an unfathomable place and here we have
just a natural continuation of that unfathomably.

Cynically, I might suggest that the issue causing the complaints is
not the spyware, is that you don't get anything in return for it that
you weren't already receiving.

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