[liberationtech] Seed Grants for Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention
Brian Conley
brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Fri Feb 7 07:57:53 PST 2014
I believe it's only open to winners of the tech challenge from last year.
On Feb 7, 2014 12:54 AM, "Lina Srivastava" <lina at linasrivastava.com> wrote:
> This might be of interest to some on this list.
> Lina
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *NPCC GGIS* <ggis at npccny.org>
> Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2014
> Subject: Seed Grants for Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention
> To: lina.srivastava at gmail.com
> [image: NPCC logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001EMWUSYBx3BhhhqZ5wJ3KM0oom71O3g1cFuxGZuvVzx-S1NQsw1TmGxHJ1cPi5tF9gBt_ADrH1_NVaAJu5j473mu3ZSlvT5_P-ebRMw1Ol3Xglb7c9ZWvoS2aILed4QXo0xXwEjbnB2u_vYyCWipYhRHVRKlHuzJKDy0mS5IZ0eY=&c=bIRYW1ycv7ChZpDlMHTkpNsYp8p4LFpLaCR4k2vn4flpg6ostEC6Zw==&ch=Rseb00WfNFz8GzxzwUFtpMxcc89YyTAYj-B4Rgnb7Y9ZJnAGDneJag==>
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> *Government Grants Information Service Funding Alert*
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> *Grant/Contract Name:* Seed Grants for Tech Challenge for Atrocity
> Prevention
> *Deadline: * March 10, 2014
> *Funding Amount: *5 awards anticipated. Estimated Total Program
> Funding: $150,000; Award Ceiling: $50,000
> *Eligibility: *qualified U.S. and non-U.S., nonprofit or for-profit
> non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international organizations (PIO
> or IO).
> *Agency: *U.S. Agency for International Development
> *Grant ID: *RFA-OAA-14-000061
> *CFDA#: *98.001
> *Summary: *Over the past year, USAID and Humanity United have jointly
> administered the Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention, a prize contest
> that sought innovative ideas for applying technology to five specific
> issues related to atrocity prevention. Discrete problems focused on by the
> Tech Challenge included: how to identify and spotlight intentional or
> unintentional "third party enablers" of atrocities; how to better model or
> forecast the likelihood of atrocity events; how to safely document and
> transmit evidence of atrocities; how to enable secure communication among
> and between at-risk communities; and how to better obtain and verify
> information in hard-to-access areas. The Tech Challenge utilized three
> different solver platforms (OpenIDEO, InnoCentive and TopCoder) to conduct
> each of the separate component challenges. Four of the five component
> challenges were ideation challenges, meaning they solicited ideas rather
> than prototypes, while one of the challenges sought and tested algorithms.
> External judges selected the winners for all of the contests. Cash prizes
> were disbursed to the winners of four of the five challenges via the
> platforms, usually for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, while the fifth
> challenge's platform advised against monetary awards for winners. The
> United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is launching a
> "Seed Grants Program" to provide support for implementation of innovative
> technology applications for broader atrocity prevention or response efforts.
> *Link: *
> http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=250855<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001EMWUSYBx3BhhhqZ5wJ3KM0oom71O3g1cFuxGZuvVzx-S1NQsw1TmG2hA-dBuxJ431xRChN7qy-6dgL_W9hj4tXqib6n4jILn5fKxhwrY1a2ctr3ZVtzRH73c50CR9ZWIn7uxP1FYDb3xQ5CGPv6tse0KbSCCL6vU007_ncYkGJBF8TjJI4gBtxfsHPg0WYm_bmdQIvipuXExYwmoym-YW2YiZD_dK0ZqJshafZjcOYg_KpTfeILWMQ==&c=bIRYW1ycv7ChZpDlMHTkpNsYp8p4LFpLaCR4k2vn4flpg6ostEC6Zw==&ch=Rseb00WfNFz8GzxzwUFtpMxcc89YyTAYj-B4Rgnb7Y9ZJnAGDneJag==>
> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001B0eMsXdjRo76QnxyEAmu8Q%3D%3D&ch=d3359130-1d4c-11e3-874d-d4ae5292c973&ca=306d728e-1c4f-42fe-ba1b-79baa8cde3e7> <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=news01>
> This email was sent to lina.srivastava at gmail.com by ggis at npccny.org |
> Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&m=001B0eMsXdjRo76QnxyEAmu8Q%3D%3D&ch=d3359130-1d4c-11e3-874d-d4ae5292c973&ca=306d728e-1c4f-42fe-ba1b-79baa8cde3e7>
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> .
> Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York | 135 West 36th Street,
> 15th Floor | New York | NY | 10018-7173
> --
> Lina Srivastava
> --
> linasrivastava.com | twitter <http://twitter.com/lksriv> | linkedin<http://www.linkedin.com/in/linasrivastava>
> --
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