[liberationtech] Spring quarter d.school class: Designing Liberation Technologies - applications due 2/28

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Feb 1 17:04:14 PST 2014

Are you intrigued by Design thinking? mobile technology? Nairobi? In
Designing Liberation Technologies at the d.school, we'll dive into the
design process while addressing real-world challenges such as health,
entrepreneurship, and access to drinking water. We're looking for
adventurous students from different departments across campus to join each
other in a Spring quarter d.school class: Designing Liberation
cross listed as CS379L , POLISCI337T,  LAW498.

In this class, small interdisciplinary project teams will work jointly with
students from the University of Nairobi and local partners in Kenya to
design new technologies for development and health. The course is primarily
for graduate and professional students and the teams combine skills from
disciplines as diverse as African Studies, Business, Anthropology, Computer
Science, Electrical Engineering, Human Biology, Law, Management Science and
Engineering, Microbiology and Immunology, Political Science, Science
Technology and Society, and Symbolic Systems.

Some of the students will travel with faculty to Nairobi over Spring break
to do initial need finding with our partners. We will decide on them based
on the applications, and discussion at the March 5 session.  They will form
the nuclei of four teams, which will continue to collaborate remotely with
our partners throughout the quarter, using remote tools to collaborate on
observations and interviews, identify needs, generate concepts, create
prototypes, and test their ideas. At the end of the quarter, students will
present their projects to a panel including partner representatives who
come to Stanford to review the projects and identify possibilities for
further development. During the summer, students from projects that are
identified as having potential for further development and deployment will
travel to Kenya to take the next steps towards further testing, pilot
studies, and feasibility studies in preparation for long-term project

The course will meet at the d.school Monday/Wednesday 5:15-7:15 pm. The
teaching team includes *Joshua
Political Science, Philosophy, and Law, *Sally
IDEO, and *Terry Winograd* <http://hci.stanford.edu/winograd/>, Computer
Science, with industry participation from *James
Philanthropic Ventures, *Jofish Kaye* <http://labs.yahoo.com/author/jofish/>,
Yahoo!, and *Zia Yusuf* <http://dschool.stanford.edu/bio/zia-yusuf/>,
Streetline Inc, as well as coaches from local industry and staff from the


Enrollment limited to 16 students. Applications close February 28.

*Apply at **http://bit.ly/libtech2014 <http://bit.ly/libtech2014>*


Friday, February 28

Application Deadline

Monday, March 3

Notification of acceptance

Wednesday, March 5

Design orientation session - 5-8 pm at the d.school

March 22-30 (approx)

Selected students travel to Nairobi for need finding

Monday, March 31

First course session

Saturday, April 5

All day design experience

Mon/Tues, June 2-3

Final presentations to partner representatives

Wednesday, June 4

Last day of course. No final exam


To learn about past projects from the course, see the *2012 course
description* <http://hci.stanford.edu/courses/cs379l/2012/2012-index.html>.
Three projects from past years have continued:
helping people find clean water in Kibera;
texting for sexual health counseling; and *Salama
providing safe on-line document storage.


*winograd at cs.stanford.edu <winograd at cs.stanford.edu>*
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