[liberationtech] confused by the Sony hack

Erich M. erich at moechel.com
Sun Dec 21 10:33:32 PST 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 2014-12-20 19:06, Al Billings wrote:
>> company thereafter
> So, you claim it was a nation-state and politically motivated. When
> Joseph points out that there isn’t clear evidence to support your
> statements, you back-pedal.
> How do you *know* that it was “clearly” a “politically motivated
> attack by a nation state”?

Sony was not isolated event. All over 2014 the US had been in
escalating "cyber"-rows with the two other malware superpowers Russia
and China. Climax before Sony were the Sandworm attacks on the Wales
summit in September, when NATO decided about the sanctions against
Russia. Sandworm group used a really powerful 0day warhead suited for
all Windows incl Server versions back until Vista.

The US then openly accused Russia for running attacks against US
SCADA-Systems. Energy companies, banks and government Offices in
Ukraine and Poland had been under attack from spring showing clear
ties to the same group called "Sandworm".
Two weeks after these news broke in October the US accused China -
again publicly - more or less of the same and presented the Axiom
"cyber"-espionage gang as a well trained military unit. China angrily
denied this and vice versa bashed the US in public for the "crimes
committed by the NSA".
A month later one of the leading US media companies in the US owned by
close US ally Japan is being bashed and humiliated.The company's
databases including highly sensitive and financial data are
immediately distributed all over the net. Disgruntled Sony employees
or hacktivists risking a zillion years in US jails because they don't
like Sony?
I do not think it is a "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy if you put
Sony in a row with these previous state related events but they
deserve comparation.
Sorry if I might have offended anyone on list with the strict note in
my previous posting.
Erich M.

post/scrypt: Ahem yes and whenever Kevin Mandia turns up at a
prominent malware battlefield scene such as now you may confidently
expect that some news about a state sponsored attack will follow.

> Al

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