[liberationtech] Digital Humanitarians - The Book

Patrick Meier (iRevolution) patrick at irevolution.net
Thu Dec 18 07:14:26 PST 2014

Dear All,

Professor Larry Diamond (who co-founded Stanford's Liberation Technology
Program) kindly reviewed and endorsed my new book *Digital Humanitarians*,
part of which I wrote whilst a pre-Doctoral Fellow at the LibTech Program.
Ethan Zuckerman (MIT), Clay Shirky (NYU) and Howard Rheingold (Stanford)
have also kindly reviewed/endorsed the book as have professionals from the
United Nations, World Bank, Red Cross, USAID, etc. Of relevance to this
list-serve is the book's focus on the use of new technologies for disaster
response in countries under repressive rule. More information at:

http://www.Digital-Humanitarians.com <http://www.digital-humanitarians.com/>

Thank you,

@: PatrickMeier <https://twitter.com/PatrickMeier> (PhD)

Blog: iRevolutions.org <http://www.irevolutions.org/> (1.5M hits)
Book: Digital-Humanitarians.com <http://www.digital-humanitarians.com/>
Newsletter: Digital Humanitarians <http://eepurl.com/9O7Y9>
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