[liberationtech] LRAD counter-measures?

Chris Csikszentmihalyi robotic at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 11:06:45 PST 2014

Hi Jay,

This didn't seem to come through liberationtech...

On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Chris Csikszentmihalyi <robotic at gmail.com>
> Hi Jay,
> Haven't worked on the LRAD yet, but one of my graduate students did build
> what I think is the world's first Taser detector.  It looked like a broach
> and could be worn on your lapel or shirt pocket. Tasers generate AM waves
> all over the spectrum, but the jolts are modulated and it was fairly easy
> to pull out that specific signal.  It had bluetooth and a nice phone app
> that measured how many times and for how long you were tased and,
> optionally, could make an outgoing call to your mom or the ACLU.
> curl http://web.media.mit.edu/~csik/adamTaser.mov > taser.mov
> It worked like a charm but in the end he kept the ham hock around for too
> long in the grad student cube fridge and got food poisoning... you just
> can't win.
> C.
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Jay Cassano <jay at jcassano.net> wrote:
>> Hi Lib-Tech,
>> I'm a freelance journalist covering the intersection of tech and
>> politics. I'm wondering if any lib-techers know of or have experimented
>> with ways to disable or reduce the sound from the long-rage acoustic
>> devices that the NYPD has been deploying lately. LRADs were also used
>> during Occupy.
>> You know, maybe something like this? http://xkcd.com/368/ ;) (I know it
>> doesn't quite work that way...)
>> Protesters have been talking about the use of LRADs for a while now, but
>> the Times just picked up on it in the recent #BlackLivesMatter/#ThisStopsToday
>> protests:
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/13/nyregion/lawyers-raise-
>> concerns-over-shrill-device-used-by-police-during-garner-protests.html?
>> If anyone knows of attempts to build such counter-measures or has ideas
>> for how one might be built, please feel free to reply to me off-list.
>> Thanks,
>> Jay
>> --
>> Jay Cassano
>> Freelance Journalist and Editor
>> Senior Writer, Fast Company
>> Technology Correspondent, Waging Nonviolence
>> www.jcassano.net
>> @jcassano
>> --
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> --
> Chris Csikszentmihályi
> ERA Chair & Scientific Director
> Professor   [image: m-itiLogo] <http://www.m-iti.org/>
> ------------------------------
>    www.m-iti.org | csik at m-iti.org | edgyproduct.org
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> * "Art means… to resist the course of a world that unceasingly holds a gun
> to mankind's chest."
> --Theodore Adorno*

Chris Csikszentmihályi
ERA Chair & Scientific Director
Professor   [image: m-itiLogo] <http://www.m-iti.org/>
   www.m-iti.org | csik at m-iti.org | edgyproduct.org <http://edgyproduct.org>
* "Art means… to resist the course of a world that unceasingly holds a gun
to mankind's chest."

--Theodore Adorno*
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