[liberationtech] co-design maker markets in refugee camps?

Lorelei Kelly loreleikelly at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 10:15:09 PST 2014

I'm looking at ways to create employment for refugee women fleeing the war
in Syria and ISIS in Iraq (religious minorities, mostly)

it seems to me that we could leverage co-creative markets -- as so many of
these individuals have artisan skills (jewelry, fashion, toys) and Internet
access, if little else.

If we can figure out the logistics, we can use Etsy and other distributed
platforms to connect people.

I'm helping some Iraq war veterans with rapid impact projects--one is
returning to Iraq next week to set up emergency education, so while he's
there, he could check out this employment opportunity for women in the

We're all volunteers, so any ideas or possible collaborators are most

I cowrote a piece for TechCrunch on this in Nov

Hoping all you out in California are loving the rain. I am grateful from


*Thanks,Lorelei KellyFellow  X Lab <http://www.thexlab.org>Affilated
Scholar Stanford Center on International Conflict and Negotiation
Tweeting @loreleikelly

cell: 202-487-7728
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