[liberationtech] (n+1)sec = more privacy on the internet

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Wed Dec 10 10:31:23 PST 2014

Hash: SHA256

On 2014.12.10 11.31, Dmitri Vitaliev wrote:
> Dear Libtech
> In recognition and celebration of Human Rights Day, eQualit.ie is
> proud to release the first public draft of a provably secure
> protocol for group messaging on the Internet
> https://learn.equalit.ie/wiki/Np1sec
> The protocol provides for end­-to­-end security of synchronous 
> communications between any number of people. It is efficient and
> builds on recent advancements in cryptographic research. Security
> properties of (n+1)sec include:
> * Confidentiality: the conversation is not readable to an outsider 
> * Forward secrecy: conversation history remains unreadable to an 
> outsider even if participants’ encryption keys are compromised *
> Deniable authentication: Nobody can prove your participation in a
> chat * Authorship: A message recipient can be assured of the
> sender’s authenticity even if other participants in the room try to
> impersonate the sender * Room consistency: Group chat participants
> are confident that they are in the same room * Transcript
> consistency:  Group chat participants are confident that they are
> seeing the same sequence of messages

Hi!  This is great news and I'm delighted to see a new effort in this
space, especially one that's taken review seriously from the
beginning.  I'm curious, however, how the requirements for the
protocol where arrived at.  In particular, I notice that you're
supporting group chat with no specific provision made for a moderator
role to eject a participant from a chat room.  When I've talked to
users about their actual use of group chats, this is a consistent
requirement and far more important than deniability, the utility of
which is still unclear at best.  Would you talk a bit about how you
arrived at that list of properties and how moderator ejection will be
implemented, assuming uncooperative clients?


- -- 
Ideas are my favorite toys.


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