[liberationtech] Any thoughts on the OPERATION CLEAVER reports?

coderman coderman at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 17:18:04 PST 2014

On 12/2/14, Nariman Gharib <nariman.gh at gmail.com> wrote:
> "OPERATION CLEAVER: A new global cyber power has emerged; one that has
> already compromised some of the world’s most critical infrastructure. The
> Operation Cleaver report sheds light on the efforts of a coordinated and
> determined group working to undermine the security of at least 50 companies
> across 15 industries in 16 countries. Our report unveils the tactics,
> techniques and procedures used in what it still an ongoing campaign. "

reinforces what a number of individuals have been saying for years now,

1. smart phones are the least privacy capable computing devices, with
inherent vulnerabilities in baseband and carrier configurations which
cannot be mitigated by the user, no matter what they load / change on

2. encryption software on phones is good for thwarting passive
surveillance (watching plain-text) but offers no protection against an
active adversary in a privileged position.

best regards,

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