[liberationtech] Stanford Event: US State Department lunch speaker -- the Collaboratory -- diplomacy via innovative education technology

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Wed Dec 3 14:26:52 PST 2014

From: Jim Murray <jim.murray at stanford.edu>

Guest Speaker: Paul Kruchoski, Policy Advisor and Deputy Director of
the Collaboratory at the U.S. Department of State

Friday, December 5, 2014 - 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm (lunch provided for
registered attendees)
Haas Center for Public Service, Donald Kennedy DK Conference Room
RSVP: https://web.stanford.edu/dept/haas/inside/StateDept120514.fb

Stanford students, faculty and staff are invited to meet Mr. Paul
Kruchoski of the U.S. Department of State.  Paul co-coordinates the
State Department's education diplomacy agenda. He serves as the
Department's subject matter expert on education technology and works
extensively with the private sector and civil society.  Paul will
share his personal experience, evolving programs and opportunities for
students to work with the State Department.

Speaker Bio

Paul Kruchoski currently serves as a Policy Advisor and Deputy
Director of the Collaboratory at the U.S. Department of State. The
Collaboratory focuses on integrating design, innovation, and
technology into the Department's educational and cultural programs. He
is co-coordinator of the Department's Education Diplomacy initiative
and the Department's expert on the use of innovative educational
technologies, including Open Educational Resources and Massively Open
Online Courses.

He manages the Department’s MOOC Camp initiative, which offers a
blended online and in-person experience for students taking MOOCs at
over 45 U.S. embassies around the world. He also leads the
Department's efforts on the Open Book Project, a partnership to
increase the availability of Arabic-language Open Educational

He previously coordinated the Department's policy on UN education and
youth issues, serving as a major contributor to the State Department’s
Youth Policy, which reshaped how the State Department engages youth
around the world. In his career at the State Department, he has
covered issues ranging from U.S. re-engagement with the UN Human
Rights Council to the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti.

Paul is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati. Outside of his
work, Paul is an accomplished cellist, having performed at the Kennedy
Center and as a soloist with the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra. He is
the curator of the Global Shapers Hub in Washington, DC.

Jim Murray
Director, John Gardner Postgraduate Public Service Program
Haas Center for Public Service
Stanford University
jim.murray at stanford.edu

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