[liberationtech] Stanford Liberationtech / ICT4D Book Announcement

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Dec 2 12:22:48 PST 2014

Author: Vivek Srinivasan
Title: Delivering Public Services Effectively: Tamil Nadu & Beyond.
Published by: Oxford University Press (2014)

There is a wide diversity in the provision of public services in
India. In some states one can go miles without seeing a functional
school or public health centre, where roads are poorly maintained, and
electricity has not yet been introduced, while in other places
governments tend to function remarkably well in extending basic public
services to all. Tamil Nadu is one of those few states with an
impressive commitment to services. This book examines the dynamics
that led to Tamil Nadu's commitment. The author argues that incessant
public action in the southern Indian state underlies that commitment.
People tend to act when services are not available or functional and
thus create pressure on the government to deliver.


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