[liberationtech] Surviving the Coming Data Purge (was: economic cost of lost emails.)

J.M. Porup jm at porup.com
Sun Aug 24 15:58:47 PDT 2014

On Sun, Aug 24, 2014, at 19:29, Al Billings wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2014, at 3:11 PM, J.M. Porup <jm at porup.com> wrote:
> > The goal is to ensure the survival not of conformity or trivia, but of dissent.
> Whose goal?

Those of us who do not wish to see an end to art, to science, to all meaningful colloquy.

> > A purge is coming. First of data, then of users. Distributed, decentralized data will survive. Users in countries hostile to American interests will (hopefully) also survive.
> /me puts on tinfoil hat.

"Just imagine, Wiesenthal, that you were arriving in New York, and the people asked
you, “How was it in those German concentration camps? What did they do to you?”
[. . .] You would tell the truth to the people in America. That’s right. And you know
what would happen, Wiesenthal? [. . .] They wouldn’t believe you. They’d say you
were crazy. Might even put you into a madhouse."

SS-Rottenführer Merz speaking to Simon Wiesenthal, September, 1944

Heil America,

J.M. Porup

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