[liberationtech] economic cost of lost emails.

grjm grjm at i2pmail.org
Sat Aug 23 22:24:49 PDT 2014

On Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:12:11 +0000 (UTC)
Troy Benjegerdes <hozer at hozed.org> wrote:
> At my last 'full-time employee' gig, I was at a company that
> effectively lobotomized themselves with an idiotic "data retention
> policy". One test engineer had 20 years of email going nearly back to
> when the company was started, and 'policy' was that it must be
> deleted.

There is a lot of history loss going on, despite backups.  I've had
personal content suddenly disappear from public services and lost many
many communications due to filtering.  Plus sudden hardware failures
most of my personal backed up data is just gone now.

Are there any software projects are out there to resist an eventuality
of digital book burning?

Personal knowledge and public knowledge have both fallen prey to
targetted attacks.  Wikipedia sure lacks decentralization and a web of
revision trust.

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