[liberationtech] Fwd: [Air-L] CfP: Current dimensions of Terrorism Research: Developments and boundaries of Terrorism and other Crime phenomena in the Digital Age

Jodi Schneider jschneider at pobox.com
Fri Aug 15 09:35:04 PDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. Stephan Humer <humer at udk-berlin.de>
Date: Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:01 PM
Subject: [Air-L] CfP: Current dimensions of Terrorism Research:
Developments and boundaries of Terrorism and other Crime phenomena in the
Digital Age
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org

Call for Papers

2nd Symposium and 15th Workshop of the Terrorism Research Network
(Netzwerk Terrorismusforschung e.V.)

Main topic:

Current dimensions of Terrorism Research: Developments and boundaries of
Terrorism and other Crime phenomena in the Digital Age

Place and time:

Our 2nd Symposium and our 15th Workshop is organized together with the
Federation of German Police Detectives and the Konrad Adenauer
Foundation and will take place in Wesseling near Cologne, Germany on
October 15 – 17, 2014

We are looking for scientific Workshop presentations on October 16 and 17!

The main topic:

Terrorism is neither a new nor a static phenomenon. Terrorism and
Extremism are in constant, sometimes rapid change, which does not always
make definitions and boundaries very easy. Are definitions of the
current state and foreseeable development fair and suitable? What role,
for example, play organized crime and war crimes? Are there symbioses
with other phenomena? Are there special cases of terrorism, beyond the
existing definitions and boundaries? And what does all this mean for
science, authorities and organizations with security tasks in a more and
more digitized world?

The Symposium and the Workshop offer the possibility to explore the
changes of Terrorism and its links with other crime phenomena in the
Digital Age on an usual level. To emphasize and deepen
transdisciplinarity this event is organized together with the Federation
of German Police Detectives and with the support of the Konrad Adenauer

Traditionally a large part of our workshop (October 17) is not limited
to the main topic. It should also provide space for other
terrorism-related lectures and discussions. In particular, we especially
invite PhD candidates to present their projects!

Abstracts and Deadline:

Please send abstracts for a lecture of about 30 minutes. There will be
room for discussions after every single presentation (30 mins).
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and can be send to

stephan.humer at netzwerk-terrorismusforschung.org

The deadline for abstracts/presentations

- in German language is August 31, 2014
- in English language is September 7, 2014

Please remember that we are not able to pay for travel costs, but for
the entrance fee and an overnight stay (if applicable).

You can of course attend the Symposium and the Workshop without a
presentation, but not for free. Please check our website for updates on
this issue.

Dr. Stephan G. Humer

Research Director and Founder, Internet Sociology Department;
Principal Investigator, Digital Security Research

Digital Class, Berlin University of the Arts

Phone: +49 (0) 176 6719 3413
Phone: +49 (0) 30 3185 1284
Mail: humer at udk-berlin.de
Website: www.humer.de
Twitter: @netsociology
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