[liberationtech] Matasano Crypto Challenges

Nadim Kobeissi nadim at nadim.computer
Tue Aug 12 15:24:54 PDT 2014

These challenges are really great. Another source of similar training is  
Stanford University's online cryptography classes, taught (for free!) by  
Dan Boneh.

Boneh's classes include practical assignments that are almost identical to  
the CryptoPals challenges, but it's still worth doing both the challenges  
and the classes since the classes also cover a lot of theory/math  

You can sign up here for Cryptography I:

Cryptography II is about to start in a month or so:


On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:49:44 -0400, Steve Weis <steveweis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Matasano Security posted 6 sets of their crypto challenges online, which
> may be of interest to anyone trying to learn more about implementing and
> breaking crypto:
> http://cryptopals.com/
> The challenges start with basics and move through a variety of attacks.
> They've provided solutions implemented in 10 different programming
> languages.


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