[liberationtech] LibTech organizations outreach to Stanford students

Zak Whittington zakwhitt at stanford.edu
Wed Aug 6 10:48:23 PDT 2014

Hi LibTech-

Last year I started the digital activism club at Stanford called ALT. This
September we're going to be recruiting at the annual Stanford Activities
Fair, which thousands of students show up to.

We're looking for merchandise/"swag" to hand out at the fair to interested
students. Tech-related stuff like laptop stickers and webcam covers would
be preferred, but hats/shirts/flyers/flags/whatever would be great too.

We'd love to help your organization if it's interested in getting noticed
by more Stanford students. This would be a win-win for both of us as it's
free, targeted advertising for you, and helps attract people to our booth
for us.

Last year we got 70 people who were interested enough in LibTech to sign up
to our mailing list right at the booth. We're expecting a greater number
this year.

Shoot me an email if you're interested or have questions.

Zak Whittington
Founder/Co-Leader, Association for Liberation Technologies (ALT)
Stanford Class of '15 -- Political Science + Computer Science
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