[liberationtech] DuckDuckGo and PRISM

Guido Witmond guido at witmond.nl
Tue Apr 29 03:43:36 PDT 2014

On 04/29/14 11:22, carlo von lynX wrote:
> Talking about tools that we should not recommend, I really don't get
> it why DuckDuckGo is being listed everywhere as the number one
> reasonable alternative to Google considering that they are based in
> the US and subject to US legislation which enables the PRISM program.
> It is just 100% naive to expect that for some magic reason DuckDuckGo
> is exempted from that program.
> I am sure the folks are great, just like the ones working at Google..
> and the t-shirts that were distributed at the NYC #TA3M event are
> really nifty. But still, why use a service that by law has to comply
> to surveillance requirements if you can use services that are
> outside US jurisdiction?
> Somebody please explain.
> Are we suffering from the centuries old problem that if it is "our
> people" doing it, then it's okay? That's the definition of
> corruption, pretty much.

It's two things:

1. Search is inherently a trust-thing. One has to trust that the search
engine give you the results you are looking for. Whether it's a
centralised service or a decentralised one.

2. Using DDG or ixquick et al is easier than blocking cookies, that
requires eternal vigilance. Something that normal users love to
outsource to others. (ie, forget about). DDG promises them that.

The message to spread is that if one wants secure search, use Tor,
inside Tails.


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