[liberationtech] rubber duck debugging by design

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 19 17:32:14 PDT 2014

Hi list,
      For all free software libs that perform critical security 
functions for the internet, why not require the patch submitter to 
include in the commit message a youtube link of a screencast where they 
highlighting and _explain_ the code they are adding/changing?

Something like this:
1) briefly explain what the code does (possibly with a brief demo if 
it's a new feature)
2) follow the flow of data through each new function (or relevant extant 
function if it's a bug fix/improvement) by showing/highlighting the code 
on screen
3) verbally explain the inputs/outputs and any side effects for each 
function or bugfix/improvement.

My hypothesis is that the act of making the video will cause some bugs 
to be caught before they are submitted.  Additionally there would be 
archival footage to use when bugs do crop up (as well as being useful 
for wider research).


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