[liberationtech] CORRECTION: European privacy regulators' excellent paper on Anonymisation Techniques

Caspar Bowden (lists) lists at casparbowden.net
Wed Apr 16 16:18:07 PDT 2014

Please disregard previous, main highlighted link got mangled

It's been a remarkable few days for the Committee of European privacy 
regulators (the "Art.29 Working Party")

In their first opinion on Data Protection law and national security 
<http://t.co/itKVGpDI1L>, they grudgingly sort of admit it is their job 
to stop NSA spying, but then the next day they approve contracts for 
PRISM's first "corporate partner" 
<https://twitter.com/CasparBowden/status/456366945512599552> for Cloud 
"processing" (although they aren't really a "mere" processor at all 

..and today they issued the highest quality paper I have ever read from 
them - No.216, on Anonymisation Techniques

Storified version *here 
for gist, full text (37 pages) in first tweet

If anyone knows of a regulatory text that comes close on this topic, 
would like to know...

The relevance to LiberationTech is that if they enforce this, then a 
whole bunch of worries about commercial and state spying through BigData 
will go away, in Europe at least

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