[liberationtech] LiberationTech Project UI/UX Lessons?

Arne Renkema-Padmos renkema.padmos at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 10:02:11 PDT 2014

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Security First <info at secfirst.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> With UI/UX being a major part of everyone's Liberation Tech projects
> in recent times, we are looking for resources so that we can learn
> from other experiences as we build Umbrella App.
> I am currently doing a search for as many of these (studies, papers,
> specific detailed discussion threads, collected feedback) in our
> community as possible. So far I've found the UI/UX studies for TOR and
> some of Github stuff for Panic Button but if anyone else has useful
> resources that you could send/share - that would be great. If we come
> across enough shareable stuff we will make an effort to put it in one
> place for others in future.

Hi Rory,

Not sure what kind of info you're specifically looking for.

There's this bibliography last updated 2008:

You can also take a look at the SOUPS proceedings (
https://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/), which should be open access.

About specific projects, check out the names on

And a mailing lists that might be of interest to you:

Would definitely be helpful if you can collect the stuff you find somewhere.


> Thanks everyone,
> Rory
> www.secfirst.org
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