[liberationtech] New Pieces on Google Apple Export Decision on Iran and New Anti-Censorship Tech

Nima Rassooli nimarassooli at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 18:43:12 PDT 2013

Hi, My name is Nima Rassooli. I''m an independent scholar based
in California. I have a B.A. in Political Science from the University of
California, San Diego and an M.A. in Political Science from San Francisco
State University. My current research is on the relationship between
digital technology, state power, and cyber-capitalism. I also contribute on
IranWire.com. I just joined the lib.tech maling list and i just want to say

 I have a new series on IranWire that may be of interest to people on the
list. My first piece that came last week is on the Google and Apple
 decisions to export technology to Iran and the larger picture of its
implications and the state of technology sanctions and prohibitions in Iran
came out. Here is a link. http://iranwire.com/en/projects/2663 It also
includes an analysis of  other headlines that haven't been reported yet by
the media. And a second piece came out today.
http://iranwire.com/en/projects/2835  It's on the landscape of
anti-censorship technologies  used in Iran with a short history of
significant developments and up-and coming  State Department funded
projects. Hope you enjoy the articles.

Nima Rassooli
Contact: nimarassooli at gmail.com
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