[liberationtech] uVirtus Linux, encrypted OS for Syria

Lorenzo Franceschi -Bicchierai lorenzofb8 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 07:23:34 PDT 2013

Dlshad Othman, a Syrian hacker and anti-Assad activist (you might remember
him for Stephan Faris' piece on the hackers of Damascus on Businessweek) is
launching uVirtus Linux today in DC (see event here:

uVIrtus Linux, according to the project's site (
https://www.uvirtus.org/?page_id=4) is a fully encrypted OS based on Debian
that has encryption tools preconfigured so that activist in Syria can use
it to avoid governemnt surveillance.

What do you guys think about this project? Reminds me a little bit of
FreedomBox (without the hardware).


Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai
Mashable US & World Reporter
lorenzo at mashable.com | lorenzofb8 at gmail.com
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