[liberationtech] Direct Diplomacy in Iran: the Internet as a Platform for Foreign Policy

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Sep 25 08:01:25 PDT 2013

*Direct Diplomacy in Iran: the Internet as a Platform for Foreign Policy  *

*When:* September 26, 2013 / 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

*Host:* Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law

*Featuring:* Ben Rowswell, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and 
Development in Canada

*Location:* Wallenberg Hall, 450 Serra Mall, Building 160, Stanford, CA 

*More:* Website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001fBdTW6mbxxat8SLPgjhYolZUHciPvqFCDQAVXVJkQJL4MNwI9NR-FbTp9eq_v8nO_3-AwLox_jx2zlJr6OnVnuBxnIppmt4bJPgc5WkxTLIwtESzaCpDpY6BUmgndZoUFvU_ajGBW9O2VatcivZvai5myrD-MkzSnM_lzv39Ke9yQ0ZebLQEclED-TgqRfOz5Wj4sPfs-rtdhsSFpNuZplJosU1vGhW-WVVPwNWSXNsXPlaA40ZVhYn7tDYhhM1n>
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