[liberationtech] Call for Tenders SMART 2013/N004 “European Capability for Situational Awareness” (ECSA) - European Federation for cyber-censorship and human rights monitoring

Camino.MANJON at ec.europa.eu Camino.MANJON at ec.europa.eu
Mon Sep 23 21:00:39 PDT 2013


As said privately, thanks for the blogpost.

As some other people in the list has done, to satisfy you curiosity you may always try to file a request against the competent service (not mine) asking for stats, giving explanations or requesting your tool not to be blocked. 

It would also be useful to have the views of other tool / VPN providers, et al, experiencing similar problems with europa.eu sites.


From: Andrew Lewman [andrew at torproject.is]
Sent: 24 September 2013 05:30
Cc: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Call for Tenders SMART 2013/N004 “European Capability for Situational Awareness” (ECSA) - European Federation for cyber-censorship and human rights monitoring

On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 03:13:30 +0000
<Camino.MANJON at ec.europa.eu> wrote:

> Dear Andrew,
> This news certainly do not help.
> http://www.welivesecurity.com/2013/07/24/the-rise-of-tor-based-botnets/
> Grateful for your views

Thanks for asking, rather than just assuming poorly written press is
accurate.  Our blog post says it all,

They aren't using exit relays, they are only using hidden services.
This means that http://ec.europa.eu wouldn't see bot requests coming
through tor. I bet even by blocking tor, http://ec.europa.eu still sees
endless botnet requests and other attacks.

I'd love to see data relating to what http://ec.europa.eu is
seeing specifically from tor versus non-tor IP addresses (both ipv4 and
ipv6). Something like quantity of attacks from tor vs. non-tor,
breakdown of those requested deemed an attack into their specific type
of attack, and other basic metrics.

pgp 0x6B4D6475

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