[liberationtech] Fwd: Join our Online Conversation on Media Tactics for Social Change!

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Mon Sep 16 09:23:23 PDT 2013

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From: "Kristin Antin, New Tactics Online Community Builder" <kantin at cvt.org>
Date: Sep 16, 2013 1:00 AM
Subject: Join our Online Conversation on Media Tactics for Social Change!
To: <team at e-democracy.org>

     Learn about our current and upcoming dialogues, and explore this
month's feature tactics and resources.
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       *Join our Conversation on Media Tactics for Social Change!* Join
Holly Hammond of Plan to Win and the New Tactics online community for a
conversation on Media Tactics for Social
*September 16 to 20*!

Communicating with people is central to creating social change and
defending human rights. The media can be a conduit for that communication -
allowing us to reach broad stakeholders and communities. However the media
also reflects power relationships in a society, with the most powerful
getting to have the biggest say. Media bias and corporate and state control
can be significant barriers to our communication efforts. In many societies
media is actually one of the pillars of power. The media can bolster or
undermine progress. It can make or break regimes. It can foster, or undo, a
culture of respect for human rights.

So how do we go about using the media in pursuit of human rights and social
and environmental justice? How do we influence the media to get them to
tell our story? How do we use the media to challenge stories of oppression
and exploitation? And when the mainstream media is closed off as a channel
for communication, how do we make our own media? We'll explore these
questions and others this week in the New Tactics community.
This conversation is an opportunity for social change agents and human
rights defenders to reflect on and share their approach to engaging the
media and learn new tactics from others. Join us for this and two more
discussions in our conversation series on building

For help, visit our instructions for how to
the online conversation. If you get stuck, contact
We’re here to help.

 *Next Conversation:* *Change the Story: Harnessing the power of narrative
for social change* Join the Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS) and the
New Tactics community for an online conversation on Change the Story:
Harnessing the power of narrative for social
*October 14 to 18*!

People and communities use stories to understand the world and our place in
it. These stories are embedded with power - the power to explain and
justify the status quo as well as the power to make change imaginable and
urgent. A narrative analysis of power encourages us to ask: Which stories
define cultural norms? Where did these stories come from? Whose stories
were ignored or erased to create these norms? And, most urgently, what new
stories can we tell to help create the world we desire?

This conversation will be an opportunity for human rights defenders to
learn more about story-based strategy and how to integrate it into campaign
planning. This is also an opportunity for those practitioners using
story-based strategy to share their experiences, questions, and ideas with
each other.

This is part of our our conversation series on building
If you are interested in helping to
(or another) conversation, please contact
  *Featured Resources for Engaging the Media* We have several case studies
written by New Tactics community members regarding their work engaging and
influencing media for social change:

   - E<http://newtactics.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=acc46cd2cef604ae60bd5355b&id=6c4b4779e2&e=d8e4b962d6>ngaging
   the Media: Building support for minimum wage
The Korean Women Workers Associations United (KWWAU) effectively
   the media in their efforts to make changes to the minimum wage system in
   Korea. Read about their clever media tactics in this case study, available
   in English and French.
   - A Mock Tribunal to Advance Change: The National Tribunal on Violence
   Against Women in
BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights, in collaboration with the Civil
   Development and Documentation Centre (CIRDDOC), highlighted violations of
   women’s rights in Nigeria that were viewed by the public as normal or even
   justifiable abuse. They used a mock tribunal to draw media attention and
   change public perceptions and beliefs regarding violations against women.
   They eventually changed public policy and law. This case study is available
   in English and Bengali.

Read more tactics and
the New Tactics website that have helped human rights defenders engage
the media and build awareness around their issue.

See you in the conversation!

-- Kristin Antin, New Tactics Online Community Builder
        chat with us on
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 New Tactics in Human
human rights defenders work more effectively so they can achieve
their goals and better address human rights violations around the world.
New Tactics is a program of the Center for Victims of Torture
CVT works to heal the wounds of torture on individuals, their families and
their communities and to stop torture worldwide. New Tactics supports this
work by strengthening the culture of human rights and the ability of human
rights defenders to more effectively advance and advocate for human rights.
   *Copyright © 2013 Center for Victims of Torture - New Tactics in Human
Rights, All rights reserved.*
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