[liberationtech] The missing component: Mobile to Web interoperability (in Internet Freedom Technologies)

coderman coderman at gmail.com
Sat Sep 14 17:22:39 PDT 2013

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Lee Azzarello <lee at guardianproject.info> wrote:
> We have a federated telephony system...

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Nathan of Guardian
<nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:
> ...
> A truly free internet = a federated internet in my mind... Why do you consider it a sign that something is broken?

back in the p2p fad days, the distinction between federated and
decentralized became important, and was characterized as

- federated is distributed hierarchy with a single or few points of
ownership and control. federated is focused more around
inter-operability, resilience, availability, and robustness of managed

- decentralization has no single point of ownership or control nor
does it imply hierarchy of any sort, instead relying on the
cooperation of independent peers. decentralized is focused more around
peer trust boundaries, scale free growth, end-to-end anonymity and

federated systems are working great! CALEA compliant, one stop shops

what we need are fully decentralized systems that are even more
usable, even more scalable, and even more end-to-end protected with
hardware and software we can actually trust.

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