[liberationtech] Fwd: Firefox OS with built in support for OpenPGP encryption

Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
Thu Sep 12 15:14:21 PDT 2013

Stefan: Why not?

Fabio, this sounds really interesting. Thanks for sending it. Now I need to go and sub to another list…

On 12 Sep 2013, at 23:06, Stefan <2904 at 2904.cc> wrote:

> But... PGP/GPG on a smartphone? Are you sure, that you want that?
> Am 09.09.13 00:56, schrieb Fabio Pietrosanti (naif):
>> I forward this inquiry to Liberation Tech, considering the very good
>> impact it will have in the near future.
>> Fabio
>> -------- Messaggio originale --------
>> Oggetto: 	Firefox OS with built in support for OpenPGP encryption
>> Data: 	Mon, 9 Sep 2013 00:09:39 +0200
>> Mittente: 	Alex (OpenPGP.js) <alex at openpgpjs.org>
>> A: 	OpenPGP.js Mailinglist <list at openpgpjs.org>
>> CC: 	Martin.Kurze at telekom.de, "K.Thier at telekom.de" <K.Thier at telekom.de>,
>> cr at mozilla.com
>> Dear OpenPGP.js community & friends (in BCC),
>> I recently had a short meeting with Deutsche Telekom and Mozilla in Berlin. They are currently collaborating in order to enhance the security & privacy of smartphone users utilizing Firefox OS (FFOS). The initiative is also open for cooperation or partnering with other organizations and projects.  In this context, one dedicated very valuable feature is built in support for OpenPGP encryption (e.g. based on the OpenPGP.js library). Anybody who is interested in contributing this functionality to FFOS is welcome to get in contact with the project.
>> Firefox OS (FFOS) is a new open source operating system for smartphones and tablets. It is based on Linux and Mozillas Gecko rendering engine and provides open Web APIs that allow to run full featured web applications based on HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
>> More information on FFOS development can be found under https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS .
>> For further information and contacts with Deutsche Telekom, please feel free to contact the project lead, Dr. Martin Kurze (in CC), Telekom Innovation Laboratories.
>> Best regards, Alex
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Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb

IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org

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