[liberationtech] Linux distribution on encrypted USB?

Brad Beckett bradbeckett at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 23:54:52 PDT 2013

Use a Live USB distro with LOK-IT encrypted flash drives. All crypto and
authentication is handed on the drive itself...therefor bootable and works
on any OS: http://www.lok-it.net

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 5:41 AM, Moon Jones <mjones at pencil.allmail.net>wrote:

> A portable distribution on an encrypted stick.
> In the end, I think only an USB hard drive can offer that, because of the
> way memory locations are handled by flash media.
> But is it feasable to have a two device solution? Media1 has the /boot but
> Media2 has the strong key. Media1 boots, prompts, than mounts Media2, takes
> the key, unmounts Media2 prompting and goes ahead with the boot without
> touching the other drives.
> Are these doable? Are they already made?
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