[liberationtech] Meet the 'cowboy' in charge of the NSA

Shelley shelley at misanthropia.info
Mon Sep 9 11:37:30 PDT 2013

>>Like it or not, to fully use websites at this point, you generally need things like Javascript and CSS.

I disagree.  Not only do I want the protection from .js vulnerabilites and tracking when I browse, I just want the text.  Not a bunch of useless social media buttons and blinking ads.  I block it all and very rarely make an exception, and I don't at all mind that I'm getting a bland page with not much more than text.  I prefer it.

>>The reason that most folks, even security folks like the ones I work with, don't run with NoScript on all the time is that it breaks the net as experienced.

Most of my fellow security-conscious friends and colleagues block scripts by default as well.  Breaking things to make them work the way we want them to is what we do; this is no different.


On Sep 9, 2013 9:50 AM, Al Billings <albill at openbuddha.com> wrote: 

                    Have fun tilting that windmill, Mr. Quixote. 
Like it or not, to fully use websites at this point, you generally need things like Javascript and CSS. The reason that most folks, even security folks like the ones I work with, don't run with NoScript on all the time is that it breaks the net as experienced.
-- Al Billingshttp://www.openbuddha.comhttp://makehacklearn.org

                On Monday, September 9, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Leif Ryge wrote:
                    Ok, well as long as we're talking about that FP javascript overlay: if you sawit, that means you run JavaScript by default, which means you're vulnerable toa larger number of the arbitrary-code-execution bugs in your web browser (ofwhich there are undoubtedly many more which are not yet fixed, given thefrequency with which new ones are discovered [1,2]). In my opinion, if you'reusing Firefox, you should really be using NoScript. [3]

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