[liberationtech] Meet the 'cowboy' in charge of the NSA

Noah Shachtman noah.shachtman at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 18:36:04 PDT 2013


Sorry if this is considered spamming the list - if it is, it won't happen again. 

At Foreign Policy, we just published what I believe is the first major profile of NSA chief Keith Alexander. It is not a particularly flattering one.

One scooplet among many in Shane Harris' nearly 6,000-word story: Even his fellow spies consider Keith Alexander to be a "cowboy" who's barely concerned with law. 

Anyway, take a look. Let me know what you think.


All the best,

Noah Shachtman
Executive Editor for News | Foreign Policy
noah.shachtman at gmail.com

encrypted phone: 415-463-4956

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