[liberationtech] Other distros like Ubuntu Privacy Remix?

Blibbet blibbet at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 10:35:52 PDT 2013

> I stumbled upon UPR these last days. It does not work on my machines.
> But the idea sounds good. Yet I could not find anything like it. Tails
> comes close, but the network is enabled.

AFAIK, there are only 2 privacy-centric distros that disable networking: 
UPR and Tinfoil Hat Linux.
Unfortunately it is not that fresh.

One really nice feature of UPR is how it bundles TAILs to a single 
distro, so you can dual-boot TAILS or UPR, depending on your 
offline/online needs.

It would be nice if TAILs (or Whonix or Liberte) had a TAILS Offline 
build, in addition to a future TAILS Server build, which incorporated 
these features.

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