[liberationtech] Snowden masks for Holloween?

Paul Elliott pelliott at blackpatchpanel.com
Mon Sep 2 16:42:54 PDT 2013

On Mon, Sep 02, 2013 at 05:44:41PM -0400, Shava Nerad wrote:
> Wouldn't there be a licensing issue?  It's a hard argument that he has no
> right to the commercial exploitation of his likeness on the basis of being
> a fugitive whistleblower,  and I doubt anyone is authorized as an agent to
> grant that license on his behalf.
> We have these privacy laws about just using people's images without
> permission.  They are a bit like copyright, but say you can't exploit the
> subject matter without permission,  for profit,  with a few exceptions.
> (Face not recognizable,  press reports on "public figures, " release form
> signed,… ).
> CSJ ethics guidelines and EFF's bloggers' guides and Berkman's guide for
> media creators have good outlines for US law on this stuff.
> Also my union has a nice guide,  the National Writer's Union (AFL-CIO)
> which I only mention because it's behind a paywall -- and also to explain
> that since it's May Day… er...Labor Day here in the states, I am lazily
> quoting all this off the top of my head and making you verify and look up
> the links.  I am on holiday. ;)

Is not Snowden a public figure? I am sure bush and obama did
not approve all the bush and obama masks?

Paul Elliott                               1(512)837-1096
pelliott at BlackPatchPanel.com               PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J
http://www.free.blackpatchpanel.com/pme/   Austin TX 78758-3117

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