[liberationtech] Sociological studies of covert mass-surveillance organisations
Caspar Bowden (lists)
lists at casparbowden.net
Sun Sep 1 02:00:26 PDT 2013
Many thanks Yosem, Luis Felipe & Greg
On 08/31/13 07:14, Luis Felipe R. Murillo wrote:
> On 08/30/2013 01:54 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
>> From: Caspar Bowden <lists at casparbowden.net>
>> I realize this is an improbable request (I think), but is anyone aware of
>> any Surveillance Studies research on the organisations conducting *
>> covert/secret* mass-surveillance (a "securitocracy")
>> many thanks any pointers
> I am not particularly familiar with this literature, but I know of a few
> pointers.
> This seminar in Brazil brought together researchers studying
> surveillance and social control. They had three panels of interest
> ('Internet and Surveillance', 'New Technologies of Surveillance', and
> 'Institutional Surveillance'):
> http://www2.pucpr.br/ssscla/
Yes - that is in the mainstream Surveillance Studies tradition
> These two references are central in the debate (so Caspar must be super
> familiar with them):
> - Foucault, Michel. "Discipline and Punish" (redefining the debate on
> the nature of power and the nature of state power):
> http://www.foucault.info/documents/disciplineandpunish/foucault.disciplineandpunish.panopticism.html
> - Deleuze, Gilles. "Society of Control" (updating Foucault's treatment
> of surveillance to the contemporary 'society of control'):
Yes :-)
AFAIK Deleuze, Foucault et al. did not say anything specifically about
covert (mass-)surveillance, or analyse how the inherently secret nature
of such organizations might be a causal element in theories of social
control. Secret surveillance organizations are NOT Panoptic in a
technical sense - they normally don't want you to know or fear they are
watching (with tactical exceptions).
In the sense that it aims to remain un-knowable by society, it seems
academic Surveillance Studies neglects covert surveillance to a large
extent becuase (a) it's very hard to study (!) , and (b) because it
doesn't (overtly and ordinarily) interact with Society like overt
surveillance it is less of interest to Sociologists (!)
To share back, one interesting reference so far:
Bridget Nolan (PhD thesis) 'Information sharing and collaboration in the United States Intelligence Community: An Ethnographic Study of the National Counterterrorism Center'
o est.sandia.gov/consequence/docs/JICRD.pdf
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