[liberationtech] EveryVote - Free Election and Public Information Tool - Design Diagrams and Features

Mitch Downey mitch at everyvote.org
Sat Oct 26 12:43:40 PDT 2013

Hi LibTech,

Link to EveryVote Design Diagrams <http://imgur.com/a/H5ea2#0>

EveryVote's goal is to make free civic engagement software with
do-it-yourself usability, so even non-technical people can submit and
maintain civic data.

We are developing an open source election information tool in hopes to help
increase voter turnout and facilitate debate for the 10,000+ university
student organization elections (such as Student Government, Campus
Activities Boards, Student Unions, Homecoming King and Queen, etc.) held
each Spring and Fall semester. The app is also intended as an opportunity
for college students to gain their first experience with using opengov and
open data tools.

Most college student organization Election Commissioners are not web
developers, so it is unrealistic for them to share their election
information and candidate biographies online, unless they are lucky enough
to have a competent volunteer web master.

The EveryVote software in the diagrams linked above would make it easy for
even non-technical Election Commissioners to share election info and start
question and answer forums online. No web master needed.

In order to achieve a better user experience, we intend on utilizing a SPA
framework such as AngularJS. We’re also highly interested in producing an
API which is compatible with the Popolo Project’s open standards.

If you would like to learn more about EveryVote and the features present in
these design diagrams, please click the pastebin link below.

Topics in the pastebin include:

-About EveryVote

-Open Standards & Public Data Federation

-Do-It-Yourself Usability

-Moderator Abilities

-Moderator Privilege Distribution

-Adding a Candidate or Officer Profile

-Responsive Design

-Social Media Optimization

-Breadcrumb Totem Pole

-University Sub-domains



-Contact Information

For more information on EveryVote: http://pastebin.com/GCBkVmDV

Thanks for checking out the project! If you have questions, see issues with
the design, have ideas for improvement, or would like to get involved, we'd
love to hear from you at contactus at everyvote.org. You can also reach us on
Twitter @EveryVoteU <https://www.twitter.com/everyvoteu>.

Many thanks,

The EveryVote Team
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