[liberationtech] Google Unveils Tools to Access Web From Repressive Countries | TIME.com

Jillian C. York jilliancyork at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 13:53:18 PDT 2013

"The more the merrier" is one thing.  Making safety and security promises
about a given circumvention tool is another.

I accept that some circumvention tools are insecure, *if and only if* the
developers disclose that information and make no false promises about what
their tool can provide.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Eric S Johnson <crates at oneotaslopes.org>wrote:

> Without answering Jillian’s question directly, I have to say: “the more,
> the merrier.”****
> ** **
> Right now, in cybercensored countries, it’s true many folks (though far
> from all) have heard about one or more cybercircumvention tools. But most
> folks’ attempts to use them are not entirely successful, either because***
> *
> **·        **their proxies are blocked too, or****
> **·        **the proxy to which they can get access is overloaded.****
> At this point, the need for more proxies to solve these two problems is
> far from exhausted.****
> ** **
> I still haven’t heard of any cases where someone’s been persecuted *because
> they used a proxy*. I’m certainly not saying folks shouldn’t care about
> anonymity, just remembering that for the vast majority of cybercensored
> netizens, anonymity isn’t what they perceive to be the issue they face when
> they browse; censorship is.****
> ** **
> Best,****
> Eric****
> OpenPGP<http://keyserver.pgp.com/vkd/DownloadKey.event?keyid=0xE0F58E0F1AF7E6F2>:
> 0x1AF7E6F2 ● Skype: oneota ● XMPP/OTR: berekum at jabber.ccc.de ● Silent
> Circle: +1 312 614-0159****
> ** **
> *From:* liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu [mailto:
> liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu] *On Behalf Of *Jillian C. York
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 22, 2013 08.01
> *To:* liberationtech
> *Subject:* Re: [liberationtech] Google Unveils Tools to Access Web From
> Repressive Countries | TIME.com****
> ** **
> Since I already have more skepticism of Google Ideas and Jared Cohen than
> I need, let me pose this question:****
> ** **
> With the understanding that uProxy provides no anonymity protections, *is
> it providing anything that other circumvention tools do not already?*
> What's unique about it?****
> ** **
> ** **
> --
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*Note: *I am slowly extricating myself from Gmail. Please change your
address books to: jilliancyork at riseup.net or jillian at eff.org.

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"We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the
seemingly impossible to become a reality" - *Vaclav Havel*
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