[liberationtech] Google Unveils Tools to Access Web From Repressive Countries | TIME.com
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
alps6085 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 15:42:49 PDT 2013
The NSA being part of the Google "partner" landscape, however
unwillingly on the part of Google..
Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,
Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps at acm.org>
+1 (817) 271-9619
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Dan Staples
<danstaples at opentechinstitute.org> wrote:
> And keep in mind, the uProxy project doesn't seem to be trying to
> provide anonymity, only uncensored internet access. There are many
> challenges to anonymity that a simple browser plugin can't solve.
> Browsers are extremely easy to fingerprint, which is why Tor is now
> being packaged as an entire browser bundle.
> What I'm most curious about is how much information about the users of
> uProxy will be collected and analyzed by Google and shared with its
> partners.
> Dan
> On 10/21/2013 06:09 PM, Sacha van Geffen wrote:
>> On 21-10-13 22:49, Nick wrote:
>>> Despite the provenence of the story, I'm still suprised there was no
>>> mention of Google's cooperation with repressive elements of its own
>>> government through PRISM and the like. Or (though this is probably
>>> far too optimistic) a mention of whether surveillance as overarching
>>> paradigm is compatible with the sort of self-representation they
>>> offer here.
>> google is a many headed dragon, like the US government, with one head
>> canceling out some actions of others. It is a shame that those heads are
>> not all the same size (like DoD vs State). Still I would encourage the
>> small heads to go on and do their work.
>>> I also wonder how anonymous it is for the relay side - whether it's
>>> really just an interface to Tor bridge nodes, and therefore the
>>> relay can't see everything their "friend" is up to, or if it's a
>>> straight proxy. I would guess the latter as their emphasis seems to
>>> be completely about helping people hop out of their country's
>>> repressive internet policies.
>> Seeing the description and the involvement of brave new software I
>> assume it is related to or a rename of Lantern, lantern is a proxy
>> software that uses the google social graph to find access. Maybe someone
>> from BNS could elaborate
>> In terms of threat model it would be reasonable to trust the 'friend' in
>> this scenario, I would be more concerned with adversary externaly
>> observing the connections, seeing that a group of people from within
>> country X are connecting to the same ip in country Y , thus relating
>> those people in that group as sharing a node in a social graph, so to
>> eachother, while they might not have seen them as related before..
>> Cheers, Sacha
> --
> Dan Staples
> Open Technology Institute
> https://commotionwireless.net
> OpenPGP key: http://disman.tl/pgp.asc
> Fingerprint: 2480 095D 4B16 436F 35AB 7305 F670 74ED BD86 43A9
> --
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