[liberationtech] Mass Surveillance in America - Program on Liberation Technology

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Oct 16 10:01:21 PDT 2013


Mass Surveillance in America  
CDDRL Seminar Series

October 17, 2013
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Open to the public
No RSVP required

Jennifer Granick - Director of Civil Liberties, Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society at Stanford University

The American government is at a crossroads in its relationship with the people it governs. Despite long-standing official denials, documents leaked to the press by 29-year-old government contractor Edward Snowden show that the United States has a vast domestic spying program in which it indiscriminately collects information on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans in the name of foreign intelligence and counterterrorism. These revelations impact our domestic law and policy as well as commercial and international interests.  In this talk, Granick will review what we now know about government surveillance, discuss the legality of these programs and discuss principles to help lawmakers and the public understand and respond to mass surveillance.

Jennifer Granick is the Director of Civil Liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. Jennifer returns to Stanford after working with the internet boutique firm of Zwillgen PLLC. Before that, she was the Civil Liberties Director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.  Jennifer practices, speaks and writes about computer crime and security, electronic surveillance, consumer privacy, data protection, copyright, trademark and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. From 2001 to 2007, Jennifer was Executive Director of CIS and taught Cyberlaw, Computer Crime Law, Internet intermediary liability, and Internet law and policy. Before teaching at Stanford, Jennifer spent almost a decade practicing criminal defense law in California. She was selected by Information Security magazine in 2003 as one of 20 "Women of Vision" in the computer security field. She earned her law degree from University of California, Hastings College of the Law and her undergraduate degree from the New College of the University of South Florida.

Wallenberg Theater
Wallenberg Hall
450 Serra Mall, Building 160

Stanford, Ca 94305-2055

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