[liberationtech] EFF Resigns from Global Network Initiative

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 21:11:41 PDT 2013

yeah, but we have to go further, and get the United Nations HQ The
Heck out of the USA


"por eso y por mucho más"!


Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps at acm.org>
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> From: presslist at eff.org
> Electronic Frontier Foundation Media Release
> For Immediate Release: Thursday, October 10, 2013
> Contact:
> Jillian C. York
>   Director for International Freedom of Expression
>   Electronic Frontier Foundation
>   jillian at eff.org
>   +1 415 436-9333 x118
> EFF Resigns from Global Network Initiative
> Citing Concerns Over NSA’s Impact on Corporate Members, EFF
> Leaves Industry Group
> San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
> today withdrew from the Global Network Initiative (GNI),
> citing a fundamental breakdown in confidence that the
> group's corporate members are able to speak freely about
> their own internal privacy and security systems in the wake
> of the National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance
> revelations.
> EFF has been a civil society member of the
> multi-stakeholder human rights group since GNI was founded
> in 2008 to advance freedom of expression and privacy in the
> global information and communication technologies sector.
> While much has been accomplished in these five years, EFF
> can no longer sign its name on joint statements knowing now
> that GNI's corporate members have been blocked from sharing
> crucial information about how the US government has meddled
> with these companies' security practices through programs
> such as PRISM and BULLRUN.
> "We know that many within the industry do not like or
> approve of such government interference, and GNI has, in
> statements, made it clear that member companies want
> permission from the US government to engage in greater
> transparency," EFF's International Director Danny O'Brien
> and Director for International Freedom of Expression
> Jillian C. York write in a letter to GNI leadership.
> "However, until serious reforms of the US surveillance
> programs are in place, we no longer feel comfortable
> participating in the GNI process when we are not privy to
> the serious compromises GNI corporate members may be forced
> to make. Nor do we currently believe that  audits of
> corporate practice, no matter how independent,  will
> uncover the insecurities produced by the US
> government's--and potentially other governments'--behavior
> when operating clandestinely in the name of national
> security."
> EFF's involvement with GNI included helping to define its
> founding principles over two years of negotiations;
> coordinating opposition to the United Kingdom's
> Communications Data Bill in 2011; releasing a paper
> addressing free-speech issues surrounding account
> deactivation and content removal; and collaborating with
> fellow members in internal international technical and
> policy analysis.  However, EFF can no longer stand behind
> the credibility of what had been one of GNI's most
> significant achievements--third-party privacy and freedom
> of expression assessments of service providers, including
> Google, Microsoft and Yahoo.
> Moving forward, EFF plans to continue to provide guidance
> to the GNI and engage companies directly, but as an
> external organization.  EFF supports the other
> organizations and individuals that continue to work within
> the GNI for the free speech and privacy rights of users
> worldwide.
> "Although EFF is taking a step back, GNI can still serve an
> important role as a collaborative project between human
> rights groups, companies, investors and academics," York
> said.  "If the United States government truly supports
> international 'Internet freedom,' it would recognize the
> damage its policies are doing to weaken such efforts and
> the world's confidence in American companies."
> For the text of the letter:
> https://www.eff.org/document/gni-resignation-letter-0
> For this release:
> https://www.eff.org/press/releases/eff-resigns-global-network-initiative
> About EFF
> The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading
> organization protecting civil liberties in the digital
> world. Founded in 1990, we defend free speech online, fight
> illegal surveillance, promote the rights of digital
> innovators, and work to ensure that the rights and freedoms
> we enjoy are enhanced, rather than eroded, as our use of
> technology grows. EFF is a member-supported organization.
> Find out more at https://www.eff.org.
>     -end-
> --
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