[liberationtech] Call for Applications: Social Media for Social Change and Online Security - online learning course
Zugravu Gheorghe
zugravu.gheorghe at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 13:08:04 PDT 2013
Social Media for Social Change and Online Security
Transitions (TOL) invite applications from civil society activists for
participation in online learning courses on Social Media for Social
Change and Online Security to be held between 15 and 24 October.
During these live courses, which will be delivered on the renowned
TechChange e-learning platform, you will learn about:
Social Media for Social Change
- Wider benefits of effective social media use in your work
- Variety of methods and tools available
- Choosing a social media strategy that best suits your communication
and campaign goals
Online Security
- Most common risks
- Tools to protect yourself
- The basics of censorship and circumvention
The courses will be presented in English by Jaroslav Valůch and Emin
Huseynzade, leading experts on social media and Internet security. Each
course will feature four 60-minute sessions held over two weeks combined
with participation on a collaborative forum and homework between the
sessions. In addition, the course facilitators will address issues that
you identify as specific to your work or country.
If you are an activist committed to social change, be it as a
professional NGO worker or local volunteer, these courses will help you
improve the effectiveness of your work. To apply, please send your CV in
English with a cover letter explaining your motives for applying to
katerina.beckova at tol.org by 10 October 2013. In the cover letter,
please, specify whether you are applying for participation in both or
only one of the two courses.
The courses are held as part of Transitions’ Capturing Capacity Building
and Connecting the Dots projects conducted with ten other partner
organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the United States with
financial support from the International Visegrad Fund, National
Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF).
Apply ASAP! and share with people who might be interested!
Zugravu Gheorghe
mob: +373 68289364
twitter: @zugravugheorghe
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