[liberationtech] Sometimes crypto can be easy

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Fri Oct 4 06:55:45 PDT 2013

Perhaps you might provide us insight into your one sentence description?

On Oct 4, 2013 6:50 AM, "Nathan of Guardian" <nathan at guardianproject.info>

> Hash: SHA1
> I am virtually speaking at a conference in Spain later this month, and
> they asked me to do a test today using Skype. I offered instead that
> we should use Ostel (https://ostel.co) with Jitsi to do an encrypted
> video call.
> I sent one quick email to their techs with a one sentence description
> about properly setting up the Jit.si proxy settings.
> A few minutes later, I received a call on my Win7 Jit.si app from
> an Ostel account that matched their name. We confirmed our ZRTP
> confirmation codes, and the audio came through just fine. I pressed
> the video button, and it started right up, with the same ZRTP
> encryption session activated.
> So, here is a great story of going from 0 to an encrypted video call
> between EU and US, with someone I have never met before, and had no
> idea about their technical capability.
> A great WIN for a Friday morning.,.. and the next time someone asks
> you to use Skype, please get them to use OStel (or Redphone,
> SilentCircle, or anything that is open (err, mostly open) and secure)
> instead.
> Don't underestimate your ability to change someone else's behavior in
> a positive way and give them a new skill in the process.
> +n
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> =mxFW
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