[liberationtech] Silent Phone source code available on GitHub

Petter Ericson pettter at acc.umu.se
Thu Oct 3 08:51:58 PDT 2013

So, Silent Circle (well, Silent Phone) is finally open source!

At least, the previous version, with the next one coming "in a couple of weeks".

This, to me, is absolutely wonderful news, as it is finally possible to get a
proper security audit of the whole shebang.

Github issue: https://github.com/SilentCircle/silent-phone-base/issues/5

The released repo: https://github.com/SilentCircle/silent-phone-android


----- Forwarded message from Jim Burrows <notifications at github.com> -----

From: Jim Burrows <notifications at github.com>
To: SilentCircle/silent-phone-base <silent-phone-base at noreply.github.com>
Cc: pettter <pettter at acc.umu.se>
Subject: Re: [silent-phone-base] Impact of ZRTP library critical security vulnerabilities (#5)

@pettter, "Soon" is today, well, actually last night.

We've just released the sources to Silent Phone for Android V1.6.5. And, yes, we released them one week after we released 1.6.6 to the Play Store, so they're a little bit stale, *BUT*... what delayed us was making sure that they were buildable from the GitHub repo outside our build environment. That means, assuming we got it right, that you can check out our repo here on GitHub, build your own APK, install it on your phone and run it instead of our Play Store version.

And to make lemonade out of the lemons of being one release behind, we plan on releasing 1.6.6 in a couple of weeks, so, if you try to build 1.6.5 and find that we blew it somehow, you can post an issue here and we've already got a release planned to fix it in.

I'm really sorry that "soon" took this long. It was absolutely NOT my plan, but this summer has been really really hectic (for obvious reasons) and we're a small company with limited resources. The slowness has really frustrated me, as has the fact that when I yell, "What idiot set those priorities?" each time something delayed posting here, the answer was always "me". I can try to blame all the Snowden, NSA, Prism brouhaha and the time and resource pressures it has put us under, but in the end, I'm the one who grits his teeth and says, "Yes, that's more important than the GitHub release. Make it so."

I'd be happy to have you sympathize with me for the decisions I've faced this summer, but I absolutely would not disagree with you if you blamed me for the delay. I own it.

Silent Phone for iOS sources, Silent Text for Android, and then Silent Phone for Android 1.6.6 source releases are all in the pipeline, and if you'll forgive me for using a word that I myself have sullied, they should all be here "soon".

----- End forwarded message -----

Petter Ericson (pettter at acc.umu.se)

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