[liberationtech] RNG in Raspberry Pi

Paul Elliott pelliott at blackpatchpanel.com
Wed Oct 2 21:57:24 PDT 2013

What is the quality of the Hardware RNG in the Raspberry Pi?

I have heard about the controversy about the intel chip
and wondered if there were any parallel questions about
the Raspberry Pi.

Near as I can figure out if an Hardware RNG does not
come automaticly with your desktop or laptop, the Raspberry Pi
seems to be about the cheapest source of random numbers you
can get.

Entropy key are only 36 pounds, but they seem to have a long

What about using and Raspberry Pi for hard random number 

Question 2:

What effect did Quantum World Corporation v. Atmel Corporation et
al have on the availablity of Hardware RNGs in PCs?

Thank you for considering my questions.

Paul Elliott                               1(512)837-1096
pelliott at BlackPatchPanel.com               PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J
http://www.free.blackpatchpanel.com/pme/   Austin TX 78758-3117
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