[liberationtech] Talks and exchange at 30c3

carlo von lynX lynX at time.to.get.psyced.org
Sat Nov 30 01:27:55 PST 2013

First of all I want to reach back to summar and thank openITP
for the Circumvention Tech Summit event in Berlin. For me it
created a whole new social network ;) and a specific different
perspective on the technology we are developing.

In particular the session that created a table of projects in
the field of cryptographic routing has led me to make a larger
follow-up graphic, organizing projects according to the layer
at which they are operating in a "new Internet stack" thinking:


The intention is to make some things clear:

- There are plenty of projects contending for similar pieces of
  the cake, they could achieve a lot more if they were sharing
  code and learning from each other in their choices.

- On the other hand there are holes in the architecture, things
  that haven't been considered by many.

In particular there is this cultural split between people who
have been working at crypto routing and those who figure out
scalability issues. Two cultures that hardly know each other,
yet if we want to hit the jackpot, which to me means to develop
and establish a tool in the world's computing devices that
replaces the role Facebook has, must absolutely work together
on a solution.

On the routing side we have well-known names such I2P, GNUnet,
freenet and the mighty god of thunder, Tor. But who has heard
as much of blackadder, CCNx and Zyre? Luckily you have at least 
heard of Tribler, BitTorrent and secushare.

So the #scalability session is likely to become the most
interesting of the #youbroketheinternet sessions at 30c3 this
December 27th through 30th in Hamburg. Have a look at the
schedule so far:


Another hot debate is likely to be the address resolution shoot
out. We'll have DNSSEC facing criticism from GNS, CurveDNS and

And we will also discuss actually ready-to-use applications, like
Pond - the e-mail replacement over Tor. Show how ridiculously easy
it is to use compared to the PGP/SMTP stack. Not to mention the
gains in privacy.

Will you happen to be at the 30c3? Do you have something to show
which isn't outside the charter of #youbroketheinternet ? The
purpose of YBTI is to get projects to share knowledge and to work
together on a GNU Internet stack.

Projects fit #youbroketheinternet if:

- They are not investing in technologies that depend on DNS or X.509
  (or, to put it differently, that use the cryptographic identity
   for resolution, authentication and routing rather than trying
   to fight the lost battle of securing key discovery)

- They are not trying to fix SMTP or make XMPP scale
  (or, in other words, that aren't dependent on deploying servers
   that maintain private data in the clear)

- They don't mind Affero GPL being a political requirement
  (at the foundations of privacy we cannot afford companies to
   participate with proprietary versions or add-ons that will
   break such privacy. but they are welcome to do business over
   our upcoming infrastructure)

If your project does not fit, but you want to have religious wars
on why our selection choices may be wrong, please drop by. I am
sure we'll have some time also for that.

(That's why all the federation technologies are up in the interface
 and usability zone: we expect that if they want to be relevant in
 future they'll have to rethink everything below the HTML layer)

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