[liberationtech] Secure Email Survey

Seth David Schoen schoen at eff.org
Mon Nov 25 13:18:06 PST 2013

carlo von lynX writes:

> Hm, federation is so commonly expected to be the normality that
> any distributed system is filed under "p2p" even if, like Tor, it
> runs on thousands of servers, thus rather distant from what "p2p"
> was supposed to mean. Tor started as P2P, but I think it isn't
> anymore.

I don't think Tor was ever peer-to-peer.  It has a directory listing
all of the public routers; originally the directory was maintained
by hand by the Tor developers, rather than by automated announcement
notices from new routers to the directory servers.

I think the "you should make every Tor user be a relay" question has
been in the FAQ all along:


Seth Schoen  <schoen at eff.org>
Senior Staff Technologist                       https://www.eff.org/
Electronic Frontier Foundation                  https://www.eff.org/join
815 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA  94109       +1 415 436 9333 x107

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