[liberationtech] Heads up... Controversy seems up ahead

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 24 21:53:06 PST 2013

On 11/24/2013 08:37 PM, Peter Lindener wrote:
> Hi
>     Yosem, and LibTech list..
>    I've been following some of discussion on the reasons not to 
> (start) use PGP...
>    Sensing between the lines, I speculate that the discussion is/may 
> be about to blow up, between,
>  the camp that will ultimately take the position that anonymous secure 
> mail is in no way actually needed or Socio-economically desirable, and 
> the anonymous camp that takes the opposite point of view...

That seems unlikely.  I cannot imagine anyone taking the view that 
anonymous secure mail isn't needed.  Without it we likely wouldn't have 
the Snowden leaks.  Without those I highly doubt there'd be such a 
spirited discussion on this list about GPG (or at least its proponents 
would have an easier time dismissing some critics as tinfoil hats).

There are plenty of projects working on usability right now, and that's 
key.  Let's just see how they do over the next year.


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