[liberationtech] the 14th reason not to start using PGP is out!

Tempest tempest at tushmail.com
Sun Nov 24 09:38:59 PST 2013

carlo von lynX:
> Hmmm.. if you're anonymous, then you don't have friends to email with...

that is an incredible logical fallacy. myself and many others
communicate with each other without having the sligtest amoont of
knowledge as to who each other actually are.

> Pond, Cables, Bitmessage, Susimail, Briar, I2PBote.. even RetroShare
> does that part right.

again with "pond," despite the fact that the author is claiming that
gnupg is a better alternative at the moment. you know, the thing you are
telling people not to start using?

> So you think that hiding your own traces, but leaving all the rest of
> the social graph out there in the open is a good idea. Well, maybe it's
> better than nothing, but the more you practice this, the more I guess
> that even automated software can figure out what your former e-mail
> address was, thus who you are.

lol! if you're going to claim that i'm the one resorting to logical
fallacies, perhaps ou should lay out an actual threat model that you are

> If you read the 14 reasons they conclude that we have to review all the
> alternative options to e-mail ASAP since insisting on PGP is causing
> more harm than using new software. 

i did read them. seriously, at this point, you are coming off like a
troll. noneof your reasons, including this fallcy about pond where even
the developer says it isn't ready, support your headlining statement
that says people "shouldn't start using pgp."

> The IMAP failure is just an example
> on how software developers can be overburdened with responsibility for
> the far too complex architecture that e-mail/PGP has become. 

no. the imap failure is related to an entirely different technology
where, depending upon the type of security you desire,you wouldn't be
using in the first place.

> And the
> idea that my grandpa would be responsible if his Thunderbird comes
> configured with IMAP on Gmail is surreal. UX experts to the rescue!

your grandpa has nothing to do with your reckless statement that "people
shouldn't start using pgp."

> Now that I understand how serious this is to you, I will answer fully.

you didn't answer me at all. as with others, you presented a fallacious
strawman argument and then responded to it.

> In practice I don't find that a score worth making festivities about.
> Pond currently only fails me on point 10.

again, from the pond developer,"Dear God, please don't use Pond for
anything real yet. I've hammered out nearly 20K lines of code that have
never been reviewed. Unless you're looking to experiment you should go
use something that actually works (http://gnupg.org)."

anyways, i'll leave it to others to respond to your bogus assertions at
this point. i only feed trolls for so long.

> You must be mistaken. Websites behind .onion aren't in any way a safer
> visit - in fact they are more likely to host malware for obvious reasons.

the archived thread won't lie. i'm not going to bother quoting you again.

> I stated dozen times before that PGP is better than nothing,

and you also state people shouldn't use it. lol!

> especially
> if you are going to engage in conversations on some remote website that
> stores all data in the clear. So I certainly didn't (mean to) say that.

excellent! then rewrite your article, including the head line, to better
reflect that.


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